
  1. P

    LOL did you hear republicans are considering government shut down?

    Go ahead American's don't need you and you right wing extremist views. The economy is improving under Obama, Obama care is perfect, Jobs are coming up.
  2. T

    Is terror and fear better described by republicans mistakes in dc fed gov

    over the years or Hillary 2016? its not about what doc thinks I just write the questions you good people write the answers ok dr S/A such logic but I also have always said no logic is the preferred mythology of dc fed gov corporate that means im right your...
  3. S

    Republicans demanded Obamare be private companies not public option, and that...

    ...they can charge whatever they...? ...want, could Republicans maybe just accept a TINY bit of responsibility if the prices of Obamacare go up when implemented? (Gee, that'll happen, right?)
  4. C

    Can you list for me some SPECIFIC POSITIONS that prove That the Republicans in

    Congress now are extreme? I keep hearing that the "tea party" Republicans in Congress are more extreme than Republicans in the past. Proof? What positions are they referring to?
  5. R

    Is this just another witch hunt by the Republicans to smear Democrats? and Jessie Jackson Jr. of all people other wise known as JJJ
  6. M

    Will Republicans whine and complain when they have to pay their gardeners more money?

    because they have become legal and are having to pay tax, or will they just look for more illegals like this two faced old Tea Party hag probably will??? I am talking more about the hypocrisy...
  7. J

    Will republicans drop the "landslide" element on their next prophecy?

    Tax, yeah winners predict landslide victories after alienating half the electorate in an increasingly diverse nation? So that's a stranglehold on reality as you know it?
  8. A

    Republicans Want To Cut Medicaid: Right Or Wrong?

    In an effort to reduce our national debt and cut spending, Republicans are renewing their push to cut Medicaid. Meanwhile, Democrats are not budging on this and refuse to cut this government health care program that serves 60 million low-income Americans. So what exactly is the right answer...
  9. A

    Lena Dunham Discloses Her ‘First Time’ At The Polls…And Of Course, Republicans Hate I

    Uh, oh. The Obama campaign just released a new ad featuring Lena Dunham who encourages young people to vote by equating the first time in a voting booth to the first time having sex. Its "voting virginity" angle is clever, fun and effective--and of course, the Republicans hate it. More »Lena...
  10. B

    In how many minutes will Republicans complain that Mitt Romney was rude &

    disrespectful during the 2nd debate? Remember cons complaining about Joe Biden. Mitt Romney was very rude and disrespectful to the moderator and the president of the United States.
  11. S

    Republicans are whining about having a lie corrected that they claimed

    about 20 times in the debates...? ...Is being told the truth always a 3rd rail topic to Republicans?
  12. T

    Republicans: Do you really believe that Romney will create jobs? LOL?

    If you are an Evangelical Christian then admit that you don't like Romeny, but you will vote for him because you don't want a Muslim to rule this country again If you are a middle class republican then admit that you don't like Romeny but you will vote for him because you hate gays, mexicans...
  13. R

    Strange that Republicans Blaming Obama on Embassy Attacks when 9/11 Happened why

    didn't they blame Bush? I think it's really strange to see today republicans attacking Obama, politicizing the death 4 american's. The republicans argument was something about the White house knew something might happened but did nothing about it.. But that makes me think about the Bush...
  14. L

    Latino/Mexican Republicans- does a bit of you wish Romney had closer family

    links to Mexico? Knowing his grandad or dad or whoever was Mexican, does it mean that he understands you a bit more? Just wondering if that does help you want to vote for him? I'm not trying to raise any confrontations, just curious.
  15. A

    California Bans ‘Gay Therapy’; Republicans Oppose It (Of Course)

    California's Governor Jerry Brown*just signed a new legislation that prohibits parents from sending their gay kids to therapy in hopes of turning them straight. It's the first law of its kind to protect a minor's sexual orientation and of course, the Republicans are the only ones opposing it...
  16. A

    Sandra Fluke Shames Republicans At DNC Over Women’s Rights And Birth Control

    The women at the Democratic National Convention are quite simply kicking ass this week. First we had Nancy Keenan and Michelle Obama speaking on women's reproductive rights (something the Republicans were too cowardly to do). Then last night we watched Cecile Richards, the president of Planned...
  17. A

    House Republicans Want To Turn Your Kid’s Apple Into Applesauce

    Some of the Republicans in Congress want to turn your kid's fresh fruit snack into a canned fruit snack.*Why, you ask? So canned, dried, and frozen food makers can have a greater share of the educational food market. And while this makes sense coming from *<a...
  18. L

    Will the Demorats and Republicans Add Another Trillion Dollars or so Again this

    Fiscal Year? After All the? Bickering and nonsense in front of the camera's, in the end will both party's in Congress go along with spending another trillion we don't have?
  19. T

    Why are republicans complaining about obama health care law?

    Obama's health care law has more prons than cons yet republicans and whining rich cry babies complain about the 1** flaw that everyone is mandated to have heathcare insurance. So let's get this straight its bad to have a call that reduces cost, prevent company from preconditioning...
  20. A

    Fellow Republicans: What difference does it make whether our Mitt Romney is a...

    ...Muslim ora Mormon? They are both offshoots of Christiianity, yes?