How do you feel about "that's what she said" jokes?


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Honestly, do you like them or not? Do you get annoyed by them? I get annoyed by them so much. Just by saying "wow, it's so big" somebody could pull a "that's what she said." It's everywhere and i hate it! I have lots of close guy friends so now I have to watch my mouth wherever I go and I've gotten quite good at it, too, but other girls... not so much. lol. Sometimes I'll be at the mall and i'll hear a girl say something and i'll just wait for one of the guys to say it.. and then they do. I wish I could just have a normal conversation without having to watch what i say. It's really annoying.

P.S. Are there any guys out there who DON'T say "that's what she said."? I would respect you for ever and ever.
lol yeah! I did hear it first in the office. I love that show. haha