How can people reject the love, compassion and truth of Jesus Christ?

number 3 makes me want to reject god more.

Number 3 is horrible. It's like a communist state. I was raised catholic and i was never taught to destroy things and pretty much force people to obey the bible and god. I was told to understand that not everyone will believe in christs words and will be damned.

I hated knowing that a lot of people would be damned so i stopped believing in that crap.
I notice you quote the "New Living Translation" in your question.

I find it interesting that they have new translations of the WORD OF GOD. I'll join a religion when I find one that doesn't have to update its hypocrisy due to current trends or mores.

And I pity anyone who tries to capture my rebellious thoughts. I will defend them "by any means necessary."
I have no problem with love and compassion. It's the truth that is my problem with accepting Jesus.
Sadly, for the most part, the gem that is Jesus Christ is being presented to the world by the most narrow-minded people on Earth. BIG mistake. Why can't these people offer this Gem without proselytizing, which is pressuring to convert? Just offer the Gem and that's it, for cryin' out loud. Are they not capable of offering this Gem without pressure to join the club? And oh yeah, can they not offer this Gem without tales of fire & brimstone? HUGE turn-off. Pity.
Because it doesn't make sense...
QUICK where is the Coriintheians guy?

1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
How can people reject the love of Jesus Christ?

Well, I think it's because not everyone shares your views.

There is no solid evidence that God exists, so some people have chosen not to believe.

You're entitled to your opinion but I for one won't take a book written by humans as proof.

Why? Well, in my opinion, it's because humans lie when it's to their benefit.

I'm not claiming that the Bible is fake and that people have lied about it but it's certainly something to consider.

I myself am on the fence.
I don't reject Jesus. I reject the messengers. They do not show compassion, love or truth.
Too much religion is bad for your health,
it mess your brain so much that you think everything is normal to you.