how can i become an admin on graal online classic for iphone?

I'd love to be an admin! I have my own guild called Empty Shadows, i have over 1500hrs and have met heaps of admins! I am extremely creative and will do my best to help graal! I understand the means of 'work' and not just play! Thnx for reading
Pls make me an admin I was scamed the other day and i reported it and now the person went into jail I have never made my own scam I am nice to most people I don't swear I am trustworthy pls let me be an admin thankes
I would love to be an admin and I'm a big fan of graal

Can I please be admin I've been wanting to Be one for ages my name is sgt.creeper *part creeper*
Can I be admin

Can I be admin plz!!!!!!!!! I'm realy one to be I will guard hole universe in graal city I will banned hacker or glitch guy
I want to become a Admin! I'm very organized and I have a very creative mind about Graal! Plz PM me my name is April
Plz i want to be a admin in this game m'y name is <<Amy>> iCandy evolved the game and comme Somers ideas plz
Can i be admin

Can i be admin the best game i ever played is graal plz i will do my best do be an admin i will not cheat i will no hack i will do everything for my friend i will always do event plz let me to be admin