how can i become an admin on graal online classic for iphone?

How do i become an admin

Can i be an admin i will pass any test u would like to test me on and i also have ideas when someone gets reported they should automaticly got to jail and i think there should be more forts in graal my name usally is apprentice Divij or divij plz can i become an admin
Wasting time

i was admin interviewed it takes forever!
wastes ur time
Please make me an admin I have many great ideas.

#1: An underwater section of the game. You need to buy gills to get there.

#2:A place where you take a shield template and edit it in the game.

#3:A better shield. deflects two arrows before hurting or one bomb before hurting.

#4:A sale every two months or so. Like $2 off guild house pack

#5:Sale price on things you buy with gralats.

#6:Graphics options. High, low, or medium.

#7:Shields should deflect one sword blow.

On Graalonline classic, My nickname is Sorceror steve. I look like link from The Legend of Zelda.
#8:shield should be an icon it only deflects when you press the button.
Administrator request

Oh hello it's me Sorceror Steve. For #1, I am willing to do 20% of pixel art.
How to become Admin

Well to be admin then...
1. Report glitchers/hackers
2. Try to be friends with admins
3. Send ALOT of feedbacks
4. Send great idea's directly to admins even if they don't respond
5. No matter HOW many times you've gone to jail you can still be an admin
So here are the tips. NEVER ASK TO BE ADMIN or the chances are 80% lower.
I wanna be an admin

Hi I was thinking about what would it be like to an admin and it came to me I want to help the graal community and I will put a stop to inapropreat language and hacking,glitching and ifile so if u can plz see if I can be an admin
Oh yea almost forgot

I will also do work like build new areas new buildings new bodys and heads new codes and always change the news when there's an plz if u can make me an admin
Also can there be a new type of admins? Like admins under cover or sumthin. If u make sumthin like that plz lemme do it cuz I made that idea
Please please lemme be a admin! Or at least tell me where I can register. There shud be a new generation of admins! Or a second type of admins. Like admins the fix graal and admins that go under cover and put the hackers and glitchers in jail. On graal classic my name is pøckÿ
:3_3_21[1]: can i becom an admin i am in sos (the society of the shadows) my name is divij i used to be an admin on another app but im interested in this game so .......... yea............
you ppl are funny begging "can i hazz adminzz becaz i hasz playyedd foreverzz and i no like haczers.. plzzzzzzzzz my name iz _________ i luvzz gral" yeh i made that up but really guys do you need to beg about all of this? no one will make you admin QQ
I'm trying to be a admia

I always whanted to be a admin I'm loyal I don't giltch I love graal I'm always on I have ideas for new hats.
I want to be an admin

i would luv to be an admin just search me on graal cupcake im the leader of cupcakez unite and i really really want to be an admin :)
I am friends with all the admins and im an admin currently add me my name is Godoco I am a guy with black hair and a crown and a NYN chain
hey guys my bro and i want to become Admins plzz let us be one :) we have naver scmaed anyone or glitched a single farm r names in Graal r rank 3 chr1st0ph3r (adrenalin) and rank 2 <<slayer>> br1an (adrenalin) :D we hope that u will lets us be Admins thxs for reading our message:)

hi can be a admin my profile name is XD009 i am interested because i think i can make places in graal classic that are imaginable and to help stop lag :) thx
Think i can become a good LAT

Hi my names XD009 and if there is any spots open i would like to become graal classic admin.I think i have what it takes to make levels and stop the lag by jailing glichers.

profile name XD009

if u want pm me
Hi my names XD009 and if there is any spots open i would like to become graal classic admin.I think i have what it takes to make levels and stop the lag by jailing glichers.Thank you for reading this message hope you like my stats and am not going to lie i have been jailed for 5 times for glitching am sorry and want to make it right i have never robbed any one.

profile name XD009

if u want pm me