Horse meat - Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

Unfortunately, it seems to take several people to point out the obvious for it to start sinking in.

Yeah read that, I was always under the impression that it was because of the feeding of the cattle- which created a different taste to the beef. If you ever get a fresh cut to cook on your own, it tastes different even without the pickling spices.
But Irish Beef is fed on the lush Irish Grass, and tastes better anyway and that's what you make Irish Irish corned beef out of. Scots Beef is usualy grass fed too - with tumpshies for the winter.
Yeah im talking of the canned stuff, hot dogs are another tasty canned meat. I don't eat them anymore cause there unhealthy. Too much salt an stuff.
Im Meso-Pagan which means one who worships Animal spirits and the land but in it we have no objection to eating anymeat as long as it was killed properly and cleanly