Horse meat - Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

Hmm... I don't think that's entirely accurate actually.
I'm curious if you can actually cite anything that backs that up?

Cannabalism doesn't ineherently cause brain defects or damage. There are many recorded cases of cannabalism yet I don't think you'll find any evidence of brain defects or damage. (though I'm thinking primarily of flesh... I've heard that humans who eat human brains will suffer problems... but I've yet to find anything backing that up)

The Uragayan rugby team that crashed in the Andes mountains in the 1970s were forced to resort to cannabalism to their team mates to survive. There were instances of cannabalism during WWII amongst the Japanese, and there are any number of tribes that practiced cannabalism until relatively recently.

There were verified cases of survival cannabalism in North Korea recently and there have been many more cases recorded world wide over the last century. I doubt any of these people have brain damage as a result. In fact most famous recently, Armin Meiwes, the sexual cannibal from Germany ate his victims schwing... pan fried. Though to be fair... he was most likely insane before.. so I don't know that you'd be able to use him as an example.

Eating human flesh doesn't cause mad cow disease.
What I meant was in the long run cows that were fed their own species eventually became sick, as far as I know (I will try to find some reference) long term cannabilism will end up with defects in the brain or other health issues. one offs or infrequent acts of cannabilism like the rugby team are probably not very likely to show any unusal signs. this is pretty interesting as I had never really thought about this subject this much, i will look into it on my lunch break as i'm at work and theres senior staff walking around!
Just look at what canibalism did to Mike Tyson! One little nibble of Evander Holyfield's ear and he went completely loopy!
This will sound like I'm starting a fight, but I'm genuinely curious.

Do religious people never at any point go, "I'm hungry, but I'd better find out what that meat that animal is, what my chosen religions views on it is, [providing of course there is one set rule and not a dozen conflicting opinions on the same subject] and in what circumstances it died and which portions of it I'm allowed to eat?"

And then realize that it's really quite ridiculous and that we're actually really lucky to be able to choose what we eat instead of the ancient way in which you just fed your family what you could to get by? And then just decide to eat it anyway.

I'm curious. If for no other reason than being constantly in doubt or confused about every aspect of my life [As a Christian, should I own a cat?] I could not follow religion like that.
Yeah in the communities were these people are there are butchers that are tested so they can go in and get plenty of meat without worying they will go to hell.

Then again what if a cow was fed a pig. Or vice versa Im sure it happens.
Exactly. Any food (and other things too) will be certified as being kosher, or halal. You don't just guess.

Do you mean that the meat of that cow could not become kosher or halal if the cow had been fed on pig?

(Vice-versa is irrelevant in this context, since pork can never be kosher or halal!)
The cows that came down with mad cow disease did so because they were fed the remains of cows that had the disease. Cannibalism generally will have no ill effects physically anyhow (ugh). The other problem with feeding cows to cows (nutritionally speaking) is the same as feeding vegetables to cats; simply put, they are not designed to eat this stuff.

Cuteness isn't really a factor either, it comes down to the animals natural attributes: We don't eat people, pack animals or predators because they taste awful, hold less nutritional value and are in general tough to eat.

As a rule of thumb for birds and maofftopicls, if the eyes are set forward facing, the creature is some type of predator and not good eating. If the eyes are towards the side of the head, they are prey.

BTW: Are Cosmic Fish considered kosher?
You could say it that way, I suppose. I gather that a lot of American Catholics do so anyway.

The point was, Corned Beef is a traditional dish eaten on St. Patrick's Day (March 17). And many / most Irish are Catholic. So particularly in a diocese with a strong Irish contingency, if March 17 falls on a Friday (and that usually would be well within the season of Lent), then the Bishop might choose to waive the rule for that Friday.

Usually there's some sort of encouragement to abstain from meat on an alternate day. And I don't know whether it's a waiver for all meat, or just for corned beef. It's been a while since I practiced Catholicism.
However, eating human brains does cause Kuru, a disease caused by a prion similar to CJD or Mad Cow Desease

It was common among some peoples in Papua until fairly recently. Brains of dead relatives were eaten as a mark of respect-Ritual incorporation in athropology. Curiously enough Kuru only occurs above 1000meters in the highlands. Due to the lower boiling point of water at altitude the prions were not killed.

Anyways, as mentioned earlier in the thread, most dietary restrictions among the Abramaic religions....Judaism, Christianity & Islam stem from the Abhorations of Leviticus in the old testament. Check it out-it's pretty self explanatory.
Holy George friggin Romero! It's not bad enough that you end up a brain-eating zombie, now you have to worry about diseases too.

I suppose now they'll be a no dental dam, no brain eating campaign and the whole mess will be blamed on gay zombies.
Sigh... if you figure all Christians or whatever religion are like that... then you really.... really.... need to get out and travel a bit more. The next village over doesn't count as travel.
Irish corned beef isn't the canned stuff we get in Britain, it's what Jocks and Jews call beef ham and I think Londoners call pickled beef, it's a joint of beef cured like a prime ham.
You've obviously never had REAL corned beef- which is called corned, by the way, because the cattle is corn fed. Any meat from a can = yuck, that much I can agree with.

Hmmm, I might have to make corned beef for dinner tomorrow.
I'm glad someone finally pointed that out.

For those of you that haven't eaten proper deli food... you're missing out. If you've ever done the music/club scene in LA then you'll know Cantors deli.

For those of you that are unfortunate enough to be eating meat out of can... get educated.