Horse meat - Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

I think it's funny that anyone has a condition on any food they eat due to religion. Personal choice is one thing. If a higher power has enabled me the power to digest something I can eat it if I wish. It's just an opinion. But I live in a town of sheep people who follow so blindly their silly mentors.

I have eaten horse meat in Quebec, however I won't anymore. I was unfortunate to watch the fun someone had in slaughtering it.
Too much joy in that industry in some places.

I will eat anything meatwise as long as it is humanely raised and slaugthered. Most of the meats I eat are farm rasied and I know the farmer doing the work.
That was my plan originally, but I found it easier to just become vegetarian than to check up on everything.
I do eat meat alot of due to taste. I wouldn't mind going vedg. But finding a decent source other than tofu for protein.

I have been blessed with witnessing so many acts of cruety to animals. Both in my time with the Humane Society, and my own investigative nosey ways.
Now being in the plumbing industry working with the farms and such also seeing the sickness people have with these animals.

Watching a group of men sit around with beers and smokes watching a pig dance while being electricuted proves what kind of an area I live in....or was unfortnuatley transferred to.

My cure for cramps in the summer time from not having enough nutrients eh : D. To hell with Bananas! Bring me the blood of a calf!
Most Fridays, no issue. Fridays during Lent, devout Catholics still observe it. But if March 17 falls on a Friday, there're often Bishops who'll lift the restriction that day, people want their corned beef.
I had a teaofftopicte use that in his signature at work. Didn't tell anyone what it meant until he was leaving for a new job
I can't imagine why someone would eat beef or pork and then have an aversion to horse.
If you mean from a non-religious point of view, then I totally agree.

I find it bizarre that people can be all sentimental about eating horsemeat, but quite happily tuck into beef, pig, lamb, etc.

I used to have the same argument with my little sister while she was watching the Horse of the Year show on TV!
Its called cuteness factor. Horses are obviously considered cuter then cows. In all seriousness, it might be a cultural holdover from when horses were considered vital for transport and farm work. Horses were simply more valuable alive then on the plate. In the west, having your horse die might leave you stranded days away from water. Thus the strict laws against horse theft.
As far as I know, as a Muslim we can only eat the right thigh/leg section of the horse. similarly animals that prey on other animals are forbidden as are those that mensturate - but as pointed out earlier in survival situations its ALL good

edit: its the right shoulder section apparently
That's interesting! What's the background to this rule? Is it from a specific passage of the koran? Why that specific leg?
Religion is such a funny thing.

Having that I have worked with both, the aversion to me about horse meat is A they are more intelligent than cows, also couldn't eat something I have developed a bond with. That would include if I had a pig as a pet. B It takes more to kill them since their skulls are thicker, if you are doing it the gov't humane way of stunning them 1st. I have seen a horse get nailed with a captive bolt gun 3 or 4 times before being stunned out. But if you have no heart and figure who cares thats fine.

I can only eat the left quarter panel of a cow. Less poop hits that place when they go.
I'm not certain sure Moosey, my mother told me this was the case but I am on the look out for a passage or reference to this. will let you know.... also, your avatar is a clip from an old 70's Turkish movie, not sure which one, I've watched so many while growing up... not 100% there yet though (grown up) :p

oh and also I have read about horse meat being eaten by Ottoman soldiers during that era, the soldiers would eat the horses that were killed in battle or injured. you can't take a cow with you to war (imagine soldiers on cows!! lol) so the use of horses primarily were for battle and if/when they died, then hey why not make use of the meat? - thats my opinion anyway. maybe limiting the area of the horse one can eat has somthing to do with limiting the horse as being seen as an animal to eat and instead as an animal to use productively in war times, and agriculture as was suggested in an earlier post?
Makes enough sense.

I definatly have no problem with no waste and survival.
I think I am pretty biased due to my leanings in the past as well mind you. But good point.
I think it would Johnno, as it was being used in battle and there are many rules and ettiquettes (spelling!) regarding battle and war in Islam! basically it was being used in war to aid in defense so it is, in a way exempt from that rule it already dies serving people who practice and believe in God therefore it kind of dies in an almost holy way - if I may. Hmmmm... now I will look into laws regarding eating animals that die through natural causes, maybe you are not allowed to eat an animal that dies of natural causes as these would usually be old age or disease I'm guessing. these are my thoughts and assumptions based on knowledge I have, NOT direct religious teachings btw
So does that apply to human flesh? I mean surely those who are Jihadi's would then be considered delicacy no?
hehe, for one thing religion tells us human is meat is a definite NO NO! makes sense as it is known that cannabilism promotes brain defects/damage in the consumer either directly or I guess in the their young/future generations just like mad cow disease the cows fought back against humans feading them dead cows by going ape-sh*t!