Free violin sheet music for Viva La Vida- Coldplay??

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! i cant find the freaking music ANYWHERE!!!! PLZ HELP MOI!!!
Breaking Point

I've always been a loser but I've never realized it until a few years ago. Never was good with people, and until very late in life I thought the only way to make friends and please people was to do and be everything they wanted us to. I shaped my personality on that of those I wanted to be friends with. I wasn't myself. So I was bullied, beaten, mocked, taken advantage of and such.

Then there were the parental units. Work took them away a lot, and the little time we spent together was them saying constantly I behaved like a lunatic and if I didn't behave properly I was to be commited to an institution. What a great thing to say to a child, right? My whole family, though small, started to see me this way. I was the crazy one, the child that never said anything that made sense, the child who always had to be watched lest he break, stole or severely damaged anything. Well, movin' on...

Let's see...School: Check; Parents/Family: Check; Work - Check my other story "damned if you do..."; That leaves married life.

I don't have to tell you about my love life, use your imagination under these circumstances. I met my future wife and eight years later we got married. Best and fastest day of my entire life. I later found out that my marriage isn't a partnership, but a domination. She's the dominating one, I'm the dominated one.

So at this point I really start thinking like that famous Demotivator poster with the picture of a sinking ship that says «It may be that your goal in life is to serve as a warning to others.». I looked around and realized that no one respected me, people saw me as a child of 5 in a 30 year-old body, the lunatic mad prankster who never took anything seriously and never did anything right. I had one last chance to prove myself to the world: to have children of my own, to make others around me see that I too could make something right, something beautiful. Then the Doctor told me I couldn't have children. I was sterile. No chance in Hell.
Im 30 years old. My father was an alcoholic and my mother was a huge bitch. She hired some whore babysitter who locked me in the bedroom so she could molest my brother. Or so he tells me because I blocked it out, he then molested me and never explained or talked about the situation later in life. I doubt hes any better. hes the sucessfull one, ironically. After dad left. I had to babysit my little sister and brother who are like 12 years younger than me, so they were babies, litterally. We lived in a slum, my mom was working 3-11 no parents kids dragged my baby brother and sister on the ground cuz they were the only white people, had rocks thrown at outr windows lead poisioned wated and roaches and rats no hot water or heat, no nice clothes. i didnt get paid or even appreciated.
My mom spent her life putting me down trying to hit me, telling me im going to hell. i broke down couldnt take all the neighbors picks on the kids and no parents, kids would fuck things up and balime it on my brother. now my brother is always getting fucking beat up on but he fights back so hes going to prison, for spraying mace in a guys face who attacked him cuz mace isnt legal in my state. Yes I fucking know. Its not fair.
At fucking all. Kids in the upperclass can get away with driving without paying thier insurance my bro was working at tacobell and not getting jack. he couldnt afford rent and auto insurance. he went to jail for it, not a ticket.
some kid threw his dog in the trash, he fought him and it was him who went to jail not the kid who tried to kill a puppy by throwing it away live in a dumpster when it was in his care.
I HAVE FUCKING SOCIAL ANXIETY AND IT MAKES ME TALK OUTLOAD, I say what people expect the worse thing possible, thats what they want right. Im the queen of self sabotage.
FURTHER I wasnt allowed to have the light on at night so i read in the dark then I needed glasses, since i got glasses my vision has deteriorated cuz thats what glasses do, they fuck up your eyes. YAY.
Now I cant even see.
I went to an ortodontist to fix the spaces on my top teeth I should have gotten invisaline but he was like no no no well just bring the first six together with partial braces and noone will ever see the spaces on the side BULLSHIT IT LOOKS HORRIBLE.
So now my teeth still suck. I liked them better BEFORE.
Now onto my nose or shall i say BEAK. Its pointy up turned and freaking huge.
Ive never found love or had tantric orgasmic fucking sex.
Oh I have small tits.
Cuz I STARVED during my adolesence. YEAH LITTERALLY STARVED, the only thing that kept me alive was tubs of government peanutbutter and stuff.
Im too old tired, and I care about nothing I have no drive to do anything it all seems way fucking out of reach and why should I fucking bother???????????????????

I just want to be in ill health and die "accidentally" like Brittany Murphey.
Yeah, I've be also been looking for it. The only copies that I can find are either maninly for Piano with basic violin parts or badly arranged editions. Seriously how hard can it be?????