Do my notes look ok for my Human Nutrition exam tomorrow?


Jun 7, 2008
6/29/10 Human Nutrition

Formation of free radicals
1.Many metabolic involve oxidation, reactions can produce free radicals
2.Freeradicals also produce pollunation, UV light toxins, smoking nitrogin meet, hydrogenated fat. How do antioxidants protect us from freeradical?
1. Some vitimans donate their .... to radicals. staralize them.
2.Some minerals act with complex enzyme systems to stay free radicals.
know points...1. Antioxidants are chemicals that protect cells from damage from oxidation.
2. Help repair damage already created by oxidation.
3. Oxidation a. molecules are broken down into their atoms.
b. they lose an exletron which creates unstable balance.
c. unstable atoms seek balance.
d. an unstable atom is called a free radical.
e. free radicals are highly reactive.
f. free radical damage -cell membraines reduce ability to control what enters and leaves the cell.
LDL's make it difficult to remove process of protein styem synthesis.
DNA funioning is reduced.
Fluids and electroolytes ch. 7 50%-70% of the average adult is fluid.
1. Fluid within the body is found in 2.
1. Actions
a Intracellular space is 2/3 fluids
b. Extracellular space found here it is with in the celss cell.
2 kinds. -Interstitial fluid:Between both tissues.
-Plasma: liquid portion of blood.
2. Fluid move through the cell by means of diffusion.
3. Electrolytes:Any Substance dissolved, the 2 components seperat and form electrical charges.
Major electrolyte follows all components and nerve stimulation. Aid in maintaining fluid
balance where electrogo water? lol
Fluid Funtion
1. Dissolve and transport substances
2. Aid in maintaining blood volume
3. Maintain body temperature.
4. Protect and lubercate
Maintain Mechanism in Brain