Please review my short notes for Human Nutrition class and tell me if I'm


Jun 7, 2008
on the right track for my exam? 1.) List and define the four characteristics of a healthy diet?
Adequate, Provides enough energy, nutrients and fiber to maintain a persons health.

Moderation, Eating the right amount of foods. Idea is to maintain a proper weight. Utilize our body's metabolism.

Variety, Eat a lot of different foods ensures that we intake necessary vitamins and minerals.

Balance, Proper balance of nutrients.

2.) Know the parts of the food label? 5 components of a food label.

1. Statement of idenity.

2. Name and address of the manufacture.

3. Ingreidients list.

4. Net Contents.

5. Nutrial facts panel;
a. Servings size and servings per container.
b. calories from fat/serving.
d. nutrients
e. percent daily valiues % DV

< 5%= less nutritious

<20%=more nutritious

3.) What agency governs the food label? It's the FDA, they also govern the food pyramid.

4.) Define Nutrition, Any chemicals found in foods that are important to human growth and function. Define Wellness, Wellness is the standard view of health. Physical, emotional and spiritual.

5. Basic structure of essential nutrients; 6k cal carbs, (highest) fats 9 k cal, proteins 4 k cal.

6. What are the Micronutrients ? Vitamins which are organic. Minerals, which are inorganic.

7. Know the food guide pyramid. Know the top tip ( Red meat and butter. Also simple carbs), servings for fruits and vegetables 2-3 servings each day. What part are legumes in? The nuts which are fourth to the top.

8. Know definitions of the following; Why are food range different in adults? Because we are all different size adults. Children's servings are more concrete.

Appetite, Psycho-social desire for a specific food.

Hunger, Physiological sensation that drives us to find food and eat.

Satiation, feeling full, proteins is the fastest way to reach satiation. Also fats and carbs.

9. 3 process of digestion, digestion, absorption, elimination. In that order.

10. Pathways of digestion; mouth, stomach, intestines, large and small intestines, anus.

11. Know the function of each organ. Small intestine, absorption. Stomach, chemical digestion.

3 excessary organs;

Gall bladder emulsifiesys fat by releasing bile.

Liver, chemical factor.

Pancreas, release digestive enzyme and insulin.

Levels organization; cell tissue, organ system, individual.

Ok I have listed a very basic study guide. Now I have a 50 multiple choice and 25 matching exam tomorrow. And I have other notes to review. Do you have any hints, and do you think I will do ok?