Need help on my biology quiz!?


May 13, 2008
1) Brain cells can live on only

2) Antioxidants are
A.toxic chemicals that must be avoided in the diet
B.chemicals found in fruits and vegetables that defend against oxidative damage
C.only found in fast food
D.another name for super oxides/free radicals

3) Which of the following may function against the free radical damage, thus protecting us against several chronic diseases?
A.Vitamin B 1
B.Vitamin D
C.Vitamins A and C
D.Vitamin B6

4) What is the proportion of water present in a living cell?

5) As an educated parent what would you recommend to your 7-year-old kid having tendency towards weight gain?
A.salad richly dressed with mayonnaise + roasted potato+ sweet pie
B.iced cookies+ french fries
C.whole milk+ frosted rice cereals+ egg yellow
D.brown rice + broccoli+ beans

6) Choose one of the most desirable food combinations that supports your health and promotes overall well-being.
A.white bread+ mashed potato + ice cream
B.pork chop+ fried white rice
C.roasted skinless chicken+ whole grain bread
D.steak+ pasta+ soda

7) The food pyramid suggested by Harvard Medical School differs from USDS's pyramid significantly in the following respects:
A. including fruit and vegetables
B.including plant oils and differentiating between carbohydrate sources
C.differentiating between meat sources
D.B and C

8) Carrots are rich in_____________, while citrus fruits are rich in ___________.
A.Vitamins B & A
B.Vitamins C & D
C.Vitamins B & A
D.Vitamins A and C

9) Cold ocean water fish like salmon, sardine, trout are imortant for heart health because they are a good source of
A.essential amino acids
B.essential fatty acids
C.essential carbohydrates
D.instant energy

10) Which of the following is associated with osteoporosis?
A.nitrogen & vitamin A
B.iron & vitamin C
C.sodium & vitamin E
D.calcium & vitamin D
1) D. ALL cells live on glucose and other simple monosaccharides. Starch, glycogen, proteins, lipids, etc. are all broken down and/or converted to carbohydrates that can go through respiration to produce ATP.

2) B

3) C

4) A

5) D

6) C

7) D

8) D

9) A

10) D