Christians, why does God need your worship? Doesn't that make him really needy?


May 13, 2008
Let's be clear here, you believe God needs your worship and devotion. The argument for this is simple - if God didn't need it, he wouldn't punish people after they fail to give it to him. Someone could be the kindest, gentlest, most selfless person, yet be punished horribly because they did not send lovey dovey thoughts God's way. Besides God being pathologically needy, what's the reason for this?
God never said athiests and non-believers go to hell. Several people who have clinically died for a few minites and have "gone to the afterlife" have stated that there's more realms than heaven and hell. So that selfless person could just end up in an athiests' heaven.
God does not need your worship, HE DEMANDS IT! one way or the other your knee will bend before HIM, better your choice before no choice exists! I will pray for U!
Good question... My thoughts are that he really doesn't since he is the most powerful being to exist. He created the universe so he is larger than the universe so we are just mere specs on a very tiny planet. A good example to find out how big our planet is, look up the solar system and go to one of the images, even planet earth is a spec compared to other planets.

As far as praying to our creator he really doesn't need our prayers but likes to know who is evil and who's not, who's on his side and who is against him. The reasons may vary from person to person on why he needs us to pray to him. But I think he wants our devotion, love and compassion to build a stronger future with him.
Well, if you were an omnipotent creature that was able to see every single woman naked and not able to do anything, you'd be needy to.
It's so obvious that the barbarians that created God, made him in the image of a tyrant king. That was the most powerful position at the time. They even referred to God as the "king of kings". Kings may desire (even demand) worship but an all powerful being certainly wouldn't be so petty. It would be akin to us making an ant farm and then relishing in their worshiping us. It's ridiculous.
I'm almost sure the worshiping part is suppose to be in are favor,and help us feel closer to God.
God needs nothing. however worshipping is a pleasant experience for Christians, so why not?