
  1. T

    Christians: Why would you worship a god that would send your unsaved...

    ...loved ones to hell? How could you find any comfort in knowing that the deity you will be worshiping and praising for all eternity sent your Mother, Father, sister or brother or your children to a fiery hell full of torment just because they didn't believe the way you do? That to me makes you...
  2. S

    Does anybody else worship Egyptian gods?

    Hello, I have recently started researching Egypt and their gods. I have proven to others that God, Jesus Christ and Satan are all based around Egypt and their gods. I have grown towards the side of Set, or 'Seth'. Not because we share the same name, but because my mental compass is pointing...
  3. M

    who do christians worship?

    Judges 2:17 And yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto them: they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in, obeying the commandments of the Lord; but they did not so. baal is named lord gawd has...
  4. T


    Jesus prayed at all times. One of the times he prayed was early in the morning. (KJV Mark 1:35) 35. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. We are extending an invitation to you to join us in prayers early in the...
  5. T

    The midnight cry; Prayer and Worship - Oct 11,2012

    Matt 25;6 tell us that at midnight there was a cry made,behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Psalms113;1tru9 praise God, The prayer Jesus taught his disciples, Matt 6;9-13prayer | worship | prayer | worship | prayer More...
  6. T

    Why are my fellow Christians allowing the pagan mother earth gaia earth worship

    religion indoctrination? Why is this being allowed to be taught in the schools? This is in fact a religion isn't it? Are the Christian's cowards? Why won't they fight back when the law is so clear???????? EDIT: In Genesis we're taught to "Be fruitful and multiply,replenish the earth and subdue...
  7. D

    If an individual who participates in a group activity be it work, worship,

    education, recreation, etc.? NEVER thinks or speaks in the "WE' mode but always in the "I" and "MY" mode, what do you think that says about the person?
  8. F

    Spiritually speaking, does anyone else worship Amon Ra?

    he is such a cool god
  9. M

    how many institutions of learning, medicine and religious worship are built on...

    ...former cemeteries? i need to know for my english project Please Help me I need links to where you got the inofrmation too Thank you
  10. B

    In what way do Jehovah Witnesses have a baptism?In there hall of worship?

    or elsewhere
  11. L

    What religion is this where there's a belief in just One God and teaches to worship

    Him alone..? Jannat has the right answer =]
  12. M

    Which God Should I Worship?

    I am a little confused as to which God I should worship. I don't want to be in the wrong Que when time comes for my attendance with God. Any help would be welcome.
  13. P

    Is it right for Catholics and Protestants to use their house of worship as a

    marketplace and gambling casino..? as long as the proceeds go to charity, or pay church bills? Really, Catholics don't play bingo with Jackpots of hundreds of dollars on church premises? Protestants don't sell raffle tickets to people who think they will win something only to lose and then...
  14. N

    If Judaism, Christianity & Islam worship same "Father God"?

    Why don't they all just follow Judaism? Since its the mother of other 2 religion. I don't think Jesus wanted to be worshiped as God/ Son of God like they do today. But Christianity and Islam managed to create their own religion and many sects within the religion only to have political power. I...
  15. J

    Christians, the Romans are about to crucify me. Are you going to worship me?

  16. D

    Christians: idol making and worship?

    Why do Christians allow their children to play with dolls when the 10 commandments state: "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them...
  17. C

    How did people contact and worship Ares?

    How did people worship and contact Ares?, how did they treat him? and for someone who also gives me informations on Aphrodite they will get the 10 points :D
  18. C

    How did people contact and worship Ares?

    How did people worship and contact Ares?, how did they treat him? and for someone who also gives me informations on Aphrodite they will get the 10 points :D
  19. K

    Why some christians worship the Mama Mary statue or just Mama Mary?

    isn't it bad to worship it? It said that you should only worship god and no one else.
  20. S

    Why worship free markets?

    It may benefit a few but it will always disadvantage the majority of people, as wealth concentrates to the elite.