Christians, what do you think of the thrash metal band Slayer?


New member
Mar 7, 2013
I'm a Christian but that doesn't mean I'll become a satanist if I listen to them! I don't really agree with some of their lyrics but that's what I've grown up listening to and I hate Christian metal. It can't be metal cause it's all too happy. The only religious music I listen to is Ko?n's ex-guitarist Brian "Head" Welch
Please dont ask that question on here. Garuntee your gonna get some fundie on here bashing the band. Then people like me are gonna get pissed. Cause we love them. I remember when I was a kid growing up listening to metal. It always got the bad rap of being Devils music. So please keep metal and religion seperate.
I like their music. Some people take them too literally. Music is an art. They tend to reveal the darker side of humanity rather than the good side.

I cannot say that I agree with their lyrics but the lyrics are not intentional. After all, the lead singer (Tom Araya) is Catholic.

They see their music like many other people see horror movies. It's an act, and that's about it.

I may not agree with all of the band members when it comes to God and religion, but they are a very talented band.