US Christians - What do you think about the phrase 'Tyrrany of the Majority'?


New member
Dec 18, 2008
I've honestly heard it said that because there are more Christians in the US it should be considered a Christian nation, and somehow because of that Christians should have a stranglehold over government legislation.

So when this is described as the tyranny of the majority, what could be refered to as an Ochlocracy rather than democratic republic, how do you feel about that? Do you honestly believe that you have the right to opress minority beliefs or rights, or do you feel that minorities should be as protected as the majority?

Obviously it's a moot point as your Consititution prevents such 'mob rules' from being enforced - or rather it allows them to be easily overturned when they are put in place (eg. Proposition 8) - I'm just looking for the opinions of the religious majority. Thanks for your time.
Crybaby Atheist - Talk about misrepresenting the facts - since when was not being offended a civil right?