Hey R&P, what do you think of my rant?


New member
Jan 10, 2009
it's called :Mediocre,Generic,Modern Music Sells....And Stupid People Are Buying
anyways here's the rant. it's long so I don't blame you if you don't read all of it.
I hate it so much. i also hate people who think it's the best music ever and nothings better and classic rock, punk,heavy metal etc suck. the fact of the matter is classic rock, heavy metal, punk and grunge actually takes talent. the lyrics aren't repetitive and generic. it takes so much more talent being in a band than being a rapper/r&b singer/pop singer. all you have to do is sing about love and your a hit. fuck, listen to Led Zeppelin, PanterA, Soundgarden, The Who, Dead Kennedys,Bad Brains, Iron Maiden, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Megadeth, Black Flag etc. they have so much talent. not this mediocre pop,rap,hip hop, r&b bullshit like Akon,T-Pain,Chris Brown,Lady gaga,Katy perry etc. yeah playing an instrument isn't hard at all anyone can do it WELL (sarcasm). now saying that bands like 3Oh!3, Fall out Boy, Panic At The Disco, Nevershoutnever suck, their lyrics are pretty generic, and their musicianship blows too. it's all about love. don't get me wrong I don't hate love songs, but so many are similar. Lyrically mostly. it's all " I won't break your heart" "Don't leave me" "I can't live without you".yeah the singing might be nice, but that doesn't mean a good song necessarily. I don't really think modern rap is good since it's all about the same 5 things. pimps,hoes,bitches,money,and sex. I don't care what people listen to. I just hate when people compare it to like Led Zeppelin,AC/DC,The Beatles. I think Dead Kennedys said it the best in their song "MTV Get Off The Air".MTV and Much Music have gown into a downward spiral of bad music.I remember watching the Much Music countdown a few years ago and it was all Alexisonfire, Billy Talent, Rise Against type stuff (mostly). switching subjects again. if modern pop,rap,hip hop,r&b, pop rock is so good then why do so many people hate them, and why don't they get into any of the "best of alltime" lists. yeah these artists top the charts, butthat'ss because so many stereotypical people (teens mostly) think anything that's new,has to do with love, is upbeat, catchy and is happy is good. jeez, you can't be happy and loving 24/7. you have to have the sad, angry, serious,rebellious music too. I don't hate all new music though. I actually love Alexisonfire,Mindless Self Indulgence, Blink-182,Billy Talent, Protest The Hero, Rise Against, White Stripes and more. seriously does anyone remember Jojo? No, because that's the way crappy modern pop,rap,r&b, hip hop works. now I'm not saying rock doesn't have it's share of one hit wonders, but theydefinitelyy have less than pop and r&b. I actually like rap music, just not the modern stuff. the old ones from the late 70's-mid 90's. rap like Beastie Boys, Run-D.M.C, Public Enemy, N.W.A, and Cypress Hill.now Pop I don't like from any decade. the only pop song I like is "Billie Jean" by Micheal Jackson. Oh man do I hate posers. I hate the ones that hear one song off of Guitar Hero or Rockband and they're apparently a fan.That'ss not a fan that's a poser fan. actually no that's not even a fan its just a poser. GH and RB are fun games but they are so unrealistic. the drums aren't anything like real drums. real drums have bounce, have more than two elevated cymbals, and the bass drum is played way more often. the guitar isn't very realistic either. there's only 5 buttons on the GH controller, and 10 on the RB controller, but even then they aren't including frets. the only realistic thing is the singing and that's about it. it doesn't take skill to play expert either. it just takes alot of time and patience. I also hate Coldplay adn Nickelback. Coldplay are just bland rip offs of Radiohead, and Nickelback are a wannabee Grunge band. Downloading music from Limewire is wrong to me. it's for cheap people who don't like to support the artists/bands they like. if people who download their music for free aren't going to their concerts or buying their t-shirts then your not really a true fan are you?
so yeah that's it.
I let it all out. I'm done ranting for a good week or two now.
yeah my fingers were sore from all that typing.
wakemup: you make a very good point about downloadig music. I was directing downloading music more toward people who aren't in third world countries that can afford to buy albums.
Nice rant man...How are the fingers after that? I have to agree with ya on that. Atleast some of it...
I got to "it takes so much more talent being in a band than being a rapper/r&b singer/pop singer." and realized that you are an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about. Although, I should have realized that when I saw that you are a Nine Inch Nails fan. I hope all your buddies at high school enjoy this though!

edit: Scrolled past and saw "I actually like rap music, just not the modern stuff. the old ones from the late 70's-mid 90's. rap like Beastie Boys, Run-D.M.C, Public Enemy, N.W.A, and Cypress Hill."

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it's like you're a walking stereotype and you don't even realize it!
I somewhat agree with you. But music is very subjective. There is no good or bad music if you ask me. It's all in the ear of the beholder. The fact that some music is pushed down our throats by the media sucks but if some people really really enjoy that music, then fine.

Just because a person discovers a band through a video game dosen't mean the person is a poser. Bing a poser means to pretend to like something you don't.

Lastly, ever thought about the people living in third world countries who have no access to the music they want to listen to other than illegaly? Or the people who can't afford their music because it's too expensive for them? Can these people never be 'true fans'?
wow...its good you let it all out dude.

Whoooooooooooo now BREATHE and yes i agree with you.