Christians: how do you refute the islam objection to genesis 37:9 being


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Oct 10, 2009
a 'failed prophecy' (i.e. the moon )? Muslims say this is 'proof' the Bible is 'corrupt' or at least this is a 'failed prophecy', because in Genesis 37:9 the moon is supposedly a representation of Joseph's mother, who died before she could ever bow down to Joseph. The prophecy 'never came true' because only 11 stars representing his brothers, bowed to Joseph later on. They say the qu'ran 'corrects this' ''mistake' by having both Joseph's parents bow down to him later on, when he is king, thus fulfilling the prophecy. Is there another meaning/interpretation to the 'moon and the sun' of the dream in Genesis 37:9 - other than Joseph's father and mother? This is true that Joseph's mother could not have bowed to him because she died before, while giving birth to Benjamin. So how did Joseph's prophecy come true with regard to the sun and the moon? Thank you in advance for your responses!
You must have Gods wisdom to understand a prophesy. I am a believer a christian, as I become one with Lord Jesus in His Body, the Temple of God where the Holy Spirit dwell. I have Lord Jesus as head of the Body and His wisdom is with me. You ask Why I claim this? The Word of God is very Clear in 1Corinthians 6:19 do you not know that your Body is the the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God. EPHESIANS 1:22 God put all things under the feet of JESUS,& gave Him to be Head over all things to the church. :23 which is His Body...Colossi ans2:9 The fullness of God dwells in the Body of Jesus.1 Corinthians 2:16...but we believers(the Body)have the Mind of Jesus. Now regarding your Question, the prophesy in Genesis 37:9 actually happen. The sun in the Prophesy is his father & the 11 stars are his 11 brothers. So when he was appointed by the pharaoh of Egypt second to him to rule over the land of Egypt. & when famine came to the whole land his brothers went to Egypt & he had called for them & his brothers did bow before him. & later his brothers & Benjamin & father came to the pharaoh of Egypt as instructed by Joseph & they all followed him. This will show that even his father followed his instruction. This shows the 11 brothers respected him as the Governor of Egypt so did his father. As Governor of the land of Egypt it is required by the law of Egypt that its citizens bow before the Governor, thus the fulfillment of the prophesy.
Why do you Muslims quote the Bible when the Quran clearly states that the Bible is corrupt?
I think they should try to refute this NOW

"`How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"

Or what was Moses saying in Deuteronomy 31:25-29

Or why we are discovering "Lost Gospels" the Church tried to hide and destroy?
It's very obvious that the Old Testament was corrupted during the Babylonian Captivity when much of it had been lost. When Jews returned to Israel, Prophet Ezra had scribes write the Torah from memory. And that's why there are dozens, if not scores, of inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible. At that time, the scribes added some very unflattering details about their historic enemies and ancestry which one would hardly expect from an a God who created us all.
I'm not a Christian, but I'd say Muhammad probably was familiar with Jewish "history" (the OT). He also probably met Christians at some point, since he basically worked both of those religions into Islam, much like Joseph Smith did with Mormonism. Since he was writing the Koran so much later, he was able to fix "mistakes".