
  1. S

    My boyfriend smokes weed and I don't know what to do?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 months and for a good 5 months my boyfriend has been clean. My boyfriend has been smoking since he was 14, he is now 17. He stopped smoking as I didn't like it, I never really knew why but whenever he did it I would instantly get upset. I know...
  2. V

    New Justin Bieber Smoking Weed Pictures

    [No message]
  3. V

    Picture: Justin Bieber Smoking Weed

    [No message]
  4. J

    How to tell girlfriend I smoke weed?

    So long story short we've almost been going out for 2 years and for the first half of the relationship, maybe a little more I was in high school and played baseball so I didn't smoke weed because every time I did it was too sketchy but I smoked a little before I met her, so i figured I probably...
  5. J

    Is smoking weed still legal in california?

    I have a roommate who's boyfriend smokes weed and claims to have a card? they been here for a month now and the room reeks of his weed when they open the door! They are not on the lease but me and my wife are. I have a 3 year old and don't want this stuff around her. I want to kick them out but...
  6. C

    Can you catch STD or STI's from sharing a Bong? (smoking weed)?

    Can you catch STD or STI's from sharing a Bong with random people you dont know ? smoking weed (cannabis) together as people put their mouths around the bong is it POSSIBLE?
  7. A

    Where specificly can i get hashish or weed in kuwait?

    I'm new in Kuwait and looked for hashish or weed all over the place but couldn't find any... if anyone knows were I can get some or can hook me up, please reply... thanks
  8. B

    What did the hippies from the 1960s smoke weed out of?

    did they have pipes? or did they only have to roll them up back then?
  9. J

    How to get rid of weed smell that is coming through my car vents?

    Whenever I turn on my cars a/c / heat I smell weed. I baked my car with it on sometimes
  10. A

    Legal Marijuana: How To Smoke Weed, According To Seattle Police Department (Really)

    The Seattle Police are taking the lead in the brave new world of legal marijuana, publishing a guide to how to smoke Seattle pot just a few days after Washington state passed a law making it legal to carry up to an ounce of marijuana without breaking the law. The law doesn't go into effect until...
  11. M

    Tobacco and weed questions?

    My brother gave me weed mixed with tobacco. Thing is I don't really like smoking it so can I still cook it into brownies? Help lol!
  12. L

    Is smoking weed, barely eating, and sleeping too much making me lose weight?

    Normally when people smoke weed they get the munchies and eat a ton...i use to be that way but lately my sober habits are interfering with my high habits and im barely eating and on top of that i sleep for wayy more than 8 hours a day, but when i do sleep i sleep for like 5 hours wake up for 3...
  13. G

    How much would you have to smoke weed for your brain to be totally dead?

    Like stupid enough you can't think straight because I was wondering if you smoke it often will it make you slow,lazy and moody overtime?
  14. K

    Can I smoke tea? I don't have any money for weed. Will it get me high?

    I'm really broke and having an awful week. Help please
  15. G

    Hunting Weed, Inventing Love, and Snoop Dogg Has The Single Best Idea of All Time (NS

    Roll that spliff phatly, pack some fresh ice into the binger, and set the Volcano to "toastify." It's time for tonight's Stoner Channel. We've collected our best high-times material for the discerning pothead so sit back, relax, and pass that shit on the left, yo. More »
  16. T

    How to smoke weed on 6 month probation? I've made it three months, but I can't...

    ...take it anymore...? They used a saliva drug test on me and I passed. I would appreciate any help from anyone who has actually gone through this or someone who knows the facts about this stuff. If they used a saliva drug test, will they switch it to a piss test later? PLEASE NO NEGATIVE...
  17. D

    I HATE that my boyfriend smokes weed !?

    I knew he smoked weed before I got with him so I can’t really complain because I knew what I was getting myself into. I asked that he be respectful though and not do it near or around me so If I’m over he’ll go outside or to a different room and get high. it makes me mad because we don’t really...
  18. J

    My seventeen year old son is smoking weed,not going to school, and has a child

    on the way. ? I am thinking of having him put into an inpatient drug program. What do u think? Will the lesson be learned or will he learn more negative behaviors?
  19. J

    My seventeen year old son is smoking weed,not going to school, and has a child

    on the way. ? I am thinking of having him put into an inpatient drug program. What do u think? Will the lesson be learned or will he learn more negative behaviors?
  20. J

    My seventeen year old son is smoking weed,not going to school, and has a child

    on the way. ? I am thinking of having him put into an inpatient drug program. What do u think? Will the lesson be learned or will he learn more negative behaviors?