
  1. K

    should i tell my parents i smoke weed?

    so im 16 years old and i smoke weed everyday.. i get good grades and i dont get high to be "cool" i do it because i truly love it and i also have a back disease so when its really hurting i take a couple rips and its better. but i hate having to smoke in secret and not being able to do it when i...
  2. H

    My best friend is smoking weed?!?

    My best friend, [whom I got into a fight with a year ago and we just recently started talking more] told me that yesterday at school she smoked weed in the boys bathroom with her boyfriend [who is on probation. I dont really like that] and he's the one that gave it to her. She is not this type...
  3. O

    Did the Miami Heat smoke weed during halftime?

    No. Lebron, Wade and Bosh did what they normally do. They choked.
  4. S

    can weed damage your lounges?

    i want to know if it can hurt them. i don't want to know if it gives you lung cancer!! i already know the answer to that. i just want to know if it can make your lungs black, and make you coughs when your not smoking it.
  5. S

    can weed damage your lounges?

    i want to know if it can hurt them. i don't want to know if it gives you lung cancer!! i already know the answer to that. i just want to know if it can make your lungs black, and make you coughs when your not smoking it.
  6. S

    How to smoke hash without weed or tobacco?

    I don't have any weed or tobacco. I have looked at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Cy-1oo15AM Any good? Also, I don't have a pipe, bong or anything like it.
  7. D

    How much weed was there at your Roger Waters The Wall Live concert?

    I'm going to see it December 5th, and my 11 year old loves it. I'm planning on taking him. hahaha, no he doesn't smoke, i didn't explain it right. I don't want to take him if there is going to be a lot of people smoking, i myself dont smoke and never have. he loves The Wall.
  8. D

    How much weed was there at your Roger Waters The Wall Live concert?

    I'm going to see it December 5th, and my 11 year old loves it. I'm planning on taking him. hahaha, no he doesn't smoke, i didn't explain it right. I don't want to take him if there is going to be a lot of people smoking, i myself dont smoke and never have. he loves The Wall.
  9. R

    how do i know if my mom is smoking weed?

    i saw her outside with this brown like.. tiny bowl thing.. and a lighter and i knew she was smoking.. but she smokes cigarettes too.. so how do i know if she's smoking pot? i have no idea what it smells like.. so i cant tell.. she's constintly eating.. like randomly eating cake icing.. peanut...
  10. M

    Help i smoked way too much weed?

    my friends are over and I smoked HELLA too much I AM all dizy and i can't see straight the room is moving .the milk test like ice cream i thought the the billow was the a dog ah
  11. B

    how do you stop smoking weed?

    i want tricks on how to stop smoking because i have to Not smoke this week. and for my future. thanks!"
  12. B

    how do you stop smoking weed?

    i want tricks on how to stop smoking because i have to Not smoke this week. and for my future. thanks!"
  13. L

    Please help ...since i smoked weed life has no meaning at all?

    ok so about a little under 2 months ago i smoked weed for my first time in 2 days. the 2nd day i felt the feeling of "high" i hated it, about 4 days after that ive been having panic attacks and 24/7 my life feels like a dream and not real. please help whats wrong with me...it wasnt laced and im...
  14. B

    What are the rules about smoking weed and joining the RCMP?

    Like is there a gap in between when you smoked and when you enlist, or can you never have smoked any? or inversely are they fine with it as long as you dont do it anymore?
  15. R

    Should I smoke Weed?

    my firends always call me to smoke with them. But a little voice inside of me says don't. Should I or should i listen to the voice?
  16. Y

    how to smoke weed out of an apple?

    so i know theres an apple to smoke weed out of, but how does that even work?? how are you supposed to do it? i dont smoke btw, i was just curious
  17. D

    Panic attack after smoking a weed bucket?

    (Don't lecture me on how smoking weed is 'bad') Ok so last night i smoked my second ever weed bucket, first time i done it, it didn't really affect me, i just got all dizzy and stuff. This time though i started shaking, my body went numb and cold and i couldn't walk or anything, and i was...
  18. B

    i got caught smoking weed?

    i came home from school today and my dad asked me to talk to him for a minute. so he walked me to the laundry room and picked up a pair of my shorts. there was a bag with some weed scraps in the pocket. he asked me whose shorts they were, i said i dont know (they are mine). i had some friends...
  19. M

    So it will remain a crime to smoke weed in California, yet owning an assault

    rifle will be totally legal? Is it any wonder the world regards the USA as a nation of morons? hynose lancome; I do not live in the USA, and would not so so even if houses were being given away free mikegolf; AK's are still legal in Cali. Please give me one single good reason why on earth anyone...
  20. S

    is it bad for your heart to smoke weed and then workout?

    i smoke weed sometimes before i workout and my heart starts racing, beating hard and it takes me a min to catch my breath, when i hard workout. is this really bad for me? if so how bad and what could happen if i continue on doing it?