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    Cod-Derived Agent Shows Potential As Dietary Therapy To Complement Standard Treatment

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified a peptide, or protein, derived from Pacific cod that may inhibit prostate cancer and possibly other cancers from spreading, according to preclinical research published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy...
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    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Helps To Treat Diabetic Neuropathies

    Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and VA Boston Healthcare System (VA BHS) have found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help relieve pain for people with painful diabetic neuropathies. The study, which is the first of its kind to examine this treatment for...
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    External Qigong Therapy May Reduce Cocaine Cravings In Early Addiction Recovery

    Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs of abuse. Few effective treatments are available to help control cravings and withdrawal symptoms among individuals undergoing therapy to overcome cocaine abuse. Promising results from a study of qigong therapy are published in The Journal of...
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    Copper Depletion Therapy Keeps High-Risk Triple-Negative Breast Cancer At Bay

    An anti-copper drug compound that disables the ability of bone marrow cells from setting up a "home" in organs to receive and nurture migrating cancer tumor cells has shown surprising benefit in one of the most difficult-to-treat forms of cancer -- high-risk triple-negative breast cancer. The...
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    Tumor-Fighting Protein Stimulated By Compound Aids Cancer Therapy

    A compound that stimulates the production of a tumor-fighting protein may improve the usefulness of the protein in cancer therapy, according to a team of researchers. TRAIL is a natural anti-tumor protein that suppresses tumor development during immune surveillance -- the immune system's process...
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    Researchers Gather To Discuss Therapy Alternative For Breast Cancer

    Proton therapy evaluated as a treatment option Radiation oncologists from some of the country's leading cancer centers will meet in Phoenix later this week to discuss the appropriate use of proton beam therapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Proton therapy is a highly precise form of...
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    Kate Middleton Tries A New Kind Of Therapy For Morning Sickness

    So far, Kate Middleton has endured a whole lot for her future child. Not only has she continuously dealt with the press, she's also had acute morning sickness, causing her to be extremely ill. For Kate Middleton pregnancy is not just a 9-month journey, it's practically a worldwide sitcom that...
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    Resistance To Anti-HER2 Therapy In Breast Cancer Patients May Be Delayed By Treatment

    Patients with HER2-positive breast cancer being treated with anti-HER2 therapy may be able to prevent or delay resistance to the therapy with the addition of a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase inhibitor to their treatment regimens. The data, published in Cancer Research, a journal of the American...
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    MicroRNAs Present Exciting Opportunities For Cancer Therapy And Diagnosis

    As many as 50 percent of all human protein-coding genes are regulated by microRNA (miRNA) molecules. While some miRNAs impact onset and progression of cancer, others can actually suppress the development of malignant tumors and are useful in cancer therapy. They can also serve as potential...
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    How can client-centered therapy by Carl Rogers be updated today?

    What aspects can be updated today about it?
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    Study Identifies Targeted Molecular Therapy For Untreatable NF1 Tumors

    Researchers conducting a preclinical study in mice successfully used targeted molecular therapy to block mostly untreatable nerve tumors that develop in people with the genetic disorder Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1). Scientists from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center report their...
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    Leukemia Patients Stay In Remission More Than Two Years With New T Cell Therapy

    Leukemia patients who received infusions of their own T cells, after the cells had been genetically engineered to fight the patients' cancerous tumors, reacted to the therapy in a positive way, staying in full remission for over two years. The new therapy was developed by a group of scientists...
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    Study Says Talk Therapy Eases Depression. Isn’t That Kind Of The Idea?

    A new study confirms that the decades-long practice of talk therapy does, in fact, ease depression. But what at first seems like a pretty obvious research finding is surprisingly revealing: The premise of the study isn't just to ask "does therapy work?"–it's mostly to uncover the best cure for...
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    Everything You Need To Know About Light Therapy (Including That It’s Not Just For S.A

    Light therapy gets rave reviews from doctors, people with seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) and depression and also people without these issues who still find it gives them a winter mood or energy levels boost.*We've written various things about light therapy and choosing a light therapy box...
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    Brain Tumors Respond To Diet And Radiation Therapy

    Brain cancer researchers have successfully treated mice with malignant gliomas, a type of aggressive and deadly brain tumor, with a unique combination of radiation therapy and ketogenic diet, a high fat, low carbohydrate and minimal protein regime that forces the body to use fat instead of...
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    Lowering Anxiety Via Meditation With Art Therapy Improves Outcomes In Breast Cancer

    Cancer and stress go hand-in-hand, and high stress levels can lead to poorer health outcomes in cancer patients. The Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine combined creative art therapy with a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program for women with breast cancer and showed...
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    Large-Scale Genomic Testing Feasible, Impacts Therapy According To Study

    Targeted cancer therapy has been transforming the care of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It is now standard practice for tumor specimens from NSCLC patients to be examined for EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangements to identify patients for therapy with EGFR and ALK inhibitors...
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    Results In Mouse Model Offer Promising Therapy For Huntington's Disease

    There's new hope in the fight against Huntington's disease. A group of researchers that includes scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have designed a compound that suppresses symptoms of the devastating disease in mice. The compound...
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    Alzheimer's Risk Changes With Timing Of Hormone Therapy

    New research from the US suggests that use of hormone therapy may affect women's risk for developing Alzheimer's disease: those who start it within five years of menopause may experience a lower risk, and those who start it later may experience a raised risk for the neurodegenerative disease...
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    Physical Therapy, Not A Knee Brace, Aids In ACL Recovery

    Wearing a knee brace following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery has no effect on a person's recovery. However, strength, range-of- motion, and functionality exercises provide significant benefits, and other new therapies may show promise. In a new literature review recently published...