
  1. T

    Guideline: Widely Used Device For Pain Therapy Not Recommended For Chronic Low Back P

    A new guideline issued by the American Academy of Neurology finds that transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS), a widely used pain therapy involving a portable device, is not recommended to treat chronic low-back pain pain that has persisted for three months or longer because research...
  2. T

    Enzyme May Create New Approach To Hypertension Therapy

    New research from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has found that an alternative therapy may be possible for treating some types of hypertension using an enzyme called ACE2. The research, conducted on mice in the laboratory of Daniel Batlle, M.D., professor of medicine at...
  3. T

    Gene Therapy Makes Mice Breath Easier

    Individuals with single-gene mutations that mean they have abnormally low levels of the protein alpha-1 antitrypsin are highly susceptible to emphysema, a progressive lung disease that causes severe shortness of breath. Previous attempts to correct single-gene defects that cause lung disease by...
  4. T

    New 'Smart' Nanocapsule Delivery System For Use In Protein Therapy

    Protein therapy - the delivery of healthy proteins directly into human cells to replace malfunctioning proteins - is considered one of the most direct and safe approaches for treating diseases. But its effectiveness has been limited by low delivery efficiency and the poor stability of proteins...
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    Pfizer Inc. Affirms Confidence In Its Hormone Therapy Medicines As Important Treatmen

    In connection with the New York Times' recent coverage of hormone therapy1, Pfizer Inc. released important facts and context to respond to the newspaper's account. Pfizer believes the coverage is based on a misleading and selective reading of both the science and history of hormone therapy (HT)...
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    Second-Line CML Drugs Evoke Faster Response Than Front-Line Therapy

    Two medications approved as treatment for drug-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia continue to provide patients with quicker, better responses as a first treatment than the existing front-line drug, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported at the 51st Annual...
  7. M

    Portal da Massoterapia Ear Therapy v1 0 Lz0

    Name: Portal da Massoterapia Ear Therapy v1 0 Lz0 Category: Apps: PC Size: 5.04MB Added: 2009-11-22 16:50:01
  8. O

    Does Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) cause cancer?

    In other words any product that contains nicotine without the noxious chemicals contained in the smoke.
  9. R

    what types of physical therapy for dog bite?

    what types of physical therapy is needed for a really bad dog bite? what do they actually do? thanks
  10. L

    what is a good topic for a human interest story dealing with physical therapy?

    I have to write a human interest essay that has to do with our job field. my job field is physical therapy. any ideas?
  11. L

    Physio therapy ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    what is it ?
  12. S

    oxygen therapy facial treatments?

    machines forsale
  13. J

    Bone regrowth at broken leg and therapy question?

    I suffered a broken leg (tibia) a month ago and the x-rays showed a gap at the tibia ( my bones are being held together by a titanium rod that was inserted). I know bone stimulators help but expensive. My question is what vitamin is the best for bone regrowth and is there anything else I can...
  14. A

    ovation cell therapy, do i have to use all the products?

    i only bought the hair growth treatment one, has anyone done that? i dont want to waste my time if i have to buy the shampoo and conditioner too.. any help?
  15. J

    Broken hand therapy pain? Normal?

    I got my cast off after 5 weeks, broken 5th metacarpal. There is a lot of pain when i do my exercises. Is that normal? And I can't move it very well. I cannot make a fist at all. I got it off about 2 days ago, by the way.
  16. S

    How much more physical therapy do I have left?

    On Christmas Eve I shattered my Left Humerus and had to have pins put in (9 to be exact). I'm now in physical therapy. My range of external motion has gone down by 30 deg. and the PT is afraid my arm is freezing. I refuse to take the stim because I am afraid. If I take the stim, will it help...
  17. C

    Have you ever gone to therapy...?

    While you were drunk or high? Well last week i smoked pot before my session with one of my friends. When i got there i was kinda high and she could tell. I have never been there high before. I don't wanna go to therapy, but my parents make me. Well, she ended up kicking me out and saying that...
  18. R

    In a music therapy session involving adults who are suffering from...

    ...depression, the music therapist uses a? music songwriting activity so that clients can express their feelings about illness. At the beginning of therapy sessions, the therapist noted that the majority of the client’s lyrics to the songs were very sad and somber. Six months later, the music...
  19. B

    Peters defines music therapy in terms of interaction and intervention. What are...

    ...the three aspects of? interaction? a.Instruments, music, songs b.Music, therapist, instruments c.Therapist, client, counseling techniques d.Music, therapist, client e.Songs, therapists, observable behaviors
  20. M

    the flip side of electroconvulsive therapy?

    okay so i can basically only find the good stuff of ECT(electrovonvulsive therapy) but my teacher said we also need to show the flip side so what the bad things does anyone know a website..that is all about the negatives of ECT?