Why Do People Think Dubstep Is Talentless Crap?


Jun 2, 2008
I always wondered this. I asked 2 of my friends why they think, and here is what they said:

"Dubstep is just random dj scratches and shit"

"Dubstep is too popular / hip / latest trend"

Well that is pretty weird, because 1. dubstep is not randomised non-rhythmic dj scratches and 2. dubstep isn't that popular (if you count out Skrillex, which isn't dubstep anyway).

As I done a lot of research, I found out that dubstep producers spend SHITLOADS of their own time to make dubstep PERFECT, like they are literally perfectionist.

Also, to all those who say 'dubstep has no beat' well your wrong, dubstep has an extremely common modern song structure. And to all those who say 'real music has lyrics and is relaxing' are partually wrong, because that who ever said that music was aimed to be relaxing? And who the fuck thinks that to have a 'true' song it needs lyrics? Music can be for lots of things; If you want relaxing, look at classical, trance and chillstep. If you want hardcore, look at metal, dubstep, etc. It depends on your mood / what you are looking for.

Finally, ALL dubstep producers ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO understand the process of making electronic dance music (which makes the song structure), has to be VERY good at playing classical pieces on piano / keyboard (which adds the dubstep song melody) and needs to understand what music is, what makes music music, and music theory etc.

So if you are one of those idiots who say 'dubstep is too popular' or 'dubstep is too innapropriate' or 'dubstep has no beat' or any of that shit, then just to let you know, a lot of 'true' dubstep fans will get pissed off, and will absolutely diss you of your opinion.