
  1. S

    Interesting psychology discussion board topic/question for college students?

    Anyone know of a Interesting psychology discussion board topic/question for college students? Anything that is related to the subject matter etc. This is a college level discussion board. 10 POINTS!!!!!
  2. T

    Abused Students Can Return To School And Thrive With Educator Help

    A new study from the University of Missouri shows that children who are abused can return to school and do well academically if teachers can help them control their emotions, pay attention to detail and stay motivated. "The first step, of course, is for teachers to watch for signs and stop the...
  3. P

    Fun Vacation in a box for college students?!?

    I have a friend in college she is really stressed and has pretty much given up on doing work and just wants to drop out...She just keeps telling me she needs a vacation. So this is where you guys come in! What can I get for her that would be like a lil vacation that I can give to her that will...
  4. T

    What year was puberty education introduced to elementary school students?

    And when did it become normal practice?
  5. A

    Paterno embraces rallying students as the walls close in at Penn State

    Joe Paterno didn't get a chance to defend himself today after Penn State pulled the plug on his regular Tuesday press conference, leaving the embattled 84-year-old coach and his son to fend off a mob of reporters on his way to practice – one of the few reminders that the Nittany Lions still have...
  6. T

    Why are macs good for students?

    Do they put ideas in your head that you would never even dream of when using a pc? Do they have free office software that is on par with/better than MS Office? Do they have the specs to play a nice game when your not studying? Do they have some sort of magical interface that improves your...
  7. S

    Satire on amount of restrictions on students in school, help with introduction?

    So, I'm writing a satire at will basically say that students should be treated like prisoners. Ankle bracelets to prevent class skipping. Compulsory classes. Shorter breaks. No choice in class selection. The essay will essentially be over enthusiastically promoting the removal of individuality...
  8. T

    Students Coax Yeast Cells To Add Vitamins To Bread

    Any way you slice it, bread that contains critical nutrients could help combat severe malnutrition in impoverished regions. That is the goal of a group of Johns Hopkins University undergraduate students who are using synthetic biology to enhance common yeast so that it yields beta carotene, the...
  9. T

    Sixth Form Students Learn Research Skills To Take Part In Key Study Into Childhood Ob

    Sixth form students at eleven secondary schools across the Midlands are being taught research skills so they can help to gather and analyse data as part of a major study into childhood obesity. The study is being funded by children's charity Action Medical Research. The sixth form students are...
  10. T

    Why are college students more up to liking Comic Books?

    I noticed when I was in High School, I was 1 of 5 guys I know of that like Comic Books. But when I went to college that totally changed. Ex: in my art class in college, me, and two other guys like comics such as Iron Man and what not. Then in my math, there were older guys that love them. Then...
  11. C

    Hollyoaks: Why do we have a further 6 new students?

    We have just had to endure 6 new students, Tilly, Maddy, Jono and 3 others who I don’t even know their name. Now we appear to have another 6, none of who I know what they are called and neither do I care! Are these permanent characters? H’Oaks seems to have more characters than the other 3 soaps...
  12. H

    Any Quantum Physics students out there? Help out a newbie?

    I'm not sure if I should choose Quantum Physics as my main career path (I want to become a professor). If there's any Quantum Physics students out there that have some free time, could you pull out a chunk of your homework and give me a taste of what I'm up for?
  13. M

    Which martial art is more effective for high school students? Muay Thai,

    Karate or Judo? I'm a 16 year old guy and in my high school most students are training karate or tkd or generally a martial art and are strong. I wanna learn one too but I wanna be ''special'' and effective. In my town the only martial arts available are muay thai, kick boxing, boxing, judo...
  14. E

    Alfa Romeo giulietta goodfor students? ?

    I'm a 22 year old girl and I have that car, I afforded it myself and I think that it's an excellent car, but do you think it might be a bit too big for me? (sorry for any mistakes, I'm kinda rushing)
  15. D

    Top 10 search terms by college students for Bing search?

    What are they?
  16. D

    Top 10 search terms by college students for Google search?

    What are they?
  17. D

    Should I use MySpace to reach college students?

    And why considering a vast majority of them are on FB?
  18. G

    Cheap, Scaled-Down iMac Being Readied For Students? [Unconfirmed]

    Apple failed to introduce a new educational discount for iPads, but that doesn't mean they've forgotten about students altogether. 9to5Mac has heard that a new, more affordable iMac aimed at students will be released this month, maybe on August 16th. More »
  19. G

    Missouri Has Banned Teachers from Being Facebook Friends with Students [Wtf]

    Here's a primer on what's illegal in Missouri (some cities): owning a PVC pipe, having oral sex, minors buying lighters, minors buying cap pistols and now student-teacher Facebook friendships. Seriously, that's banned. More »
  20. M

    Why do parents continue to send their students in Australia to private...

    ...schools when it does the child no good? in terms of socialising with a mixture of students that public schoolers get to do more often, research says they are mal-adjusted to reality once they leave and do poorer at uni than public school counter parts because public school students aren't...