
  1. M

    Do you people in Polls & Surveys realize how funny you are?

    You guys make my day :)
  2. R

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Is he that naive?
  3. R

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Is he that naive?
  4. A

    Doesn't Obama realize that everytime he vacations in Hawaii the state Loses Millions?

    people can't take the famous Hawaiian Helicopter rides and roads are blocked off so Obama can go to McDonalds sooners I know he is a senator from Hawaii before he was president
  5. B

    I have dreams where I seem to be conscious during the dream and I realize that

    I've dream the event? I have dreams where I seem to be conscious during the dream and during the dream I realize that I've dream the event in my real life past. However, when I wake up from the dream, I try to think back to when I possibly could have had dream the event in the past(as in the day...
  6. H

    Why are Christians the last ones to realize that there is no difference...

    ...between someone acting out prophecy...? and someone who's claiming to fulfill it? If you are trying to follow a so called prophecy then you are doing nothing more than acting it out. It's called following a script just like any other actor does. Even to the point of deliberately provoking...
  7. B

    I realize downloading copyrighted material is illegal, however have any of... readers downloaded an older? version of Limewire and tried it out? I am having limewire withdraw and as an option felt like trying an older version of the limewire program. I also know about frostwire, and other file sharing sites however I still love the limewire so do older versions...
  8. I

    Spiritually Speaking: Do you realize the miracle that took place by the

    fulfilling of the prophecies in the? Bible by Jesus? If you want to know/understand why we know the Bible is the Word of God; study how Jesus fulfilled every prophecy from the Old Testament and you will see how this is proof of the accuracy of the Bible and how it shows that Christ is the Messiah.
  9. M

    messages from my beloved me realize them please!!?

    3 days before my birthdaym i kept asking my special friend who died 4 months ago of a heart attack to come to me on my birthday...when i went to sleep on my birth day night, i saw him for like less than a minute telling me that he had been having a busy week, only to spare me a full day to be...
  10. R

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Is he that naive?
  11. C

    Is this a cute winter jacket? I didn't realize it was a skater brand lol? I'm in my 30s...does this look too young for me?
  12. C

    Is this a cute winter jacket? I didn't realize it was a skater brand lol? I'm in my 30s...does this look too young for me?
  13. C

    Is this a cute winter jacket? I didn't realize it was a skater brand lol? I'm in my 30s...does this look too young for me?
  14. M

    Why don't people realize that China now rules all and inflation is impossible

    in the global fiat-dom? The money will continue to be worth exactly what the Chinese government says it is worth, and as they have no compelling interest in making it worth less (on the contrary, its actually deflating now), as our "borrowing" is making them rich, as twisted as it sounds, its...
  15. K

    When will atheists wake up and realize that Atheism IS a religion?

    The fact that we have not been introduced to enough evidence to believe that there is a god of any sort; clearly make us a religion right? So does this make the Christians a-thorists/a-odinists/a-zeusists/a-shivaists/a-garudists/a-allaists........... I think this means that...
  16. H

    Christetitties: How come you don't realize your religion is flawed?

    Come on, this is the 21st century, you can easily pull up 458349857 sources that say your religion is complete BS used to control others. Give up your homophobia, misogyny, racism, self-righteousness, and realize that HELL DOESN'T EXIST! You're a bunch of mindless sheep who know nothing...
  17. I

    Is it for lack of a sense of humor,libs fail to realize how foolish they appear

    when they get 'smirky'? evi- triple irony? I meant what I said
  18. D

    How don't Christians realize that the cavemen morality in the Bible doesn't

    come from an all-wise god? Morality keeps evolving in modern times, and has proven to be incompatible with the morality proposed by the bloodthirsty and vindictive god of death from the Bible. Both, the bronze age morality and our own, keep moving away from one another, and still you find...
  19. T

    When did you first realize Jesus Christ was the only way?

    I was 22 years old when I first realized it. All my life I had been fighting against religion, and was an atheist at heart, but I was never happy. I fought and fought against religion, but I realized I was a broken man on the inside. Then I finally realized that I needed Jesus, that he was the...
  20. A

    Need a laugh. Do you realize how little the media is pandering to Obama now?,29489,2031168_2210188,00.html Liberal amazing what TV? Nikki why did they the mom's dance like idiots any way? JW I agree I am amazed they show this nice stuff at all. But there are still more lame ones.