
  1. W

    How can I make my puppy realize his toe nails are sharp and he's scratching...

    ...the crap out of me!? He's a 4 month old German Shepard. And his nails aren't long enough to trim, there just really sharp... What can I do? My legs and arms have tons of scrathes... I feel like I have a freaking cat...
  2. P

    Non-Believers! Do you realize you are fulfilling Biblical Prophecies?

    Matthew 5:11-12 11.Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. It states in many places in...
  3. M

    Gossip Girl fans: Do you realize that your beloved show is an inconvenience to some?

    I woke up this morning to notices that they're filming Gossip Girl on my block. Again. JOY. Great, more obnoxious film crews setting up donut stands outside my front door. Donuts that I can't have. The first time they did this I asked this blonde girl what they were filming and she looked at...
  4. B

    Did you ever realize how real life is scarier than fiction? Ever watch all those...

    ...religion based movies? I used to watch all of those Jesus/Christianity movies, read the bible, and countless of other things and just said to myself, oh TRUE and bad evil only exists in those books/movies, etc, and real life can't be as bad, etc, but then when you look at this real world...
  5. P

    When did you realize that you were Bisexual?

    When did it come? Was it more of an "I always knew" sort of thing, or did you notice a growing attraction to one gender or another over time? Is there anything wrong with feeling this way??? THX
  6. H

    Do the clueless Republicans on here realize that today's Southern

    dominated GOP is not the "Party of Lincoln"? And that Martin Luther King Jr was a liberal DEMOCRAT? 1) MLK Jr denounced GOP for turning towards racism to win over the South and for nominating CONSERVATIVE Republican Barry Goldwater - MLK Jr, The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr...
  7. S

    When did you realize you were gay?

    One of my friends (who I've dated and broken up with) is always depressed because he can't hold down a girlfriend. I think it's probably because a lot of people think he's gay. Even I think he's gay. I have no problem with homosexuality, am 100% pro-Gay Marriage, have friends that are gay and...
  8. W

    Does anyone here realize that Time Travel IS possible and our future selves

    blew themselves up while trying it? Think about it. According to theory, time travel is possible. So why haven't we been visited by our future selves yet? Well, look at it this way. You know that big ion machine that they wanted to turn on recently, but many scientists said it would create...
  9. K

    The indian fans need to get this chip off there shoulders and realize there team...

    ...are the troublemakers.? The test matches the aussies had with south africa produced no ill temper, no back chat and no bad sportsmanship AND australia lost so why do people think we are bad sports.The indians had problems with us and england so it`s about time they had are good look at...
  10. M

    Obama is like MLK, JFK and Abe Lincoln? You do realize all of them were

    shot in the head right ? ok, Ive heard people comparing Obama to MLK, JFK, and Abe Lincoln. I guess they are right, here, i'll list the similarities: Obama and MLK -both civil rights figures Obama and JFK -both have a large fan base -both democrat Obama and Abe Lincoln -both from Illinois...
  11. M

    Do people realize that Obama is the President? And not a celebrity?

    I can't believe what has happened. Obama isn't being seen as a President in my opinion. He isn't someone who is being looked at with formal respect. People are idolizing him. And for some reason, this bothers me. I don't know. In my opinion, this is getting out of hand. Fine, I guess you guys...
  12. J

    Do you realize, that before when there were no plastic bags, we did not have to

    pick up after our dogs? So much for plastic!
  13. I

    in the Mercy Thompson Series By Patricia Briggs Does Mercedes Realize her full

    magical potential? I'm Currently reading Iron Kissed and was just wondering
  14. C

    Israeli boycott supporters: do you realize how foolish you are?

    Aside from the fact that your moral compass has obviously eroded and is in severe need of replacement, and (biased) politics aside, Israel has been at the forefront of technological and biomedical development for sixty years. If you were to truly boycott Israel, I say go for it! I really do...
  15. A

    Have you ever been in the middle of a rant, only to realize you dont really

    know what your point is? continue on or shut up and hope they didnt notice
  16. LAguy

    Why can't Israel and Israelophiles realize that they're creating future breeding

    grounds for terrorists ? They are trying to instigate conflicts that will make other arab nations feel more hostile toward them and fueling a future generation of terrorists. Obama should declare the US independent of Israel. Screw AIPAC! Forget Olmert and Livni! Why do we always have to back...
  17. M

    DO the whining/complaining Republicans realize that when the complain about...

    ...Obama.....? There complaints fall on death ears? That us "Anti-American, communist liberals/atheist scum bags don't really care what they have to say? The Republican brand is an irrelevant party now, and nobody cares about the south anymore. And even that's slowly falling away from the...