
  1. K

    Do republicans realize their anti democrat rant about spending is hypocritical?

    republicans spend as well when they are in office,just on dumb crap like weapons and war and walls.why do they think they are above all when they cant even help out poor people here,and want it all to go to companies that give money to republican intrests and agendas??
  2. J

    PoLL!!When You Realize That You've Been Blocked On Yahoo Do You Block Them Right...

    ...Back? Or just leave it..?? I block them, If they had blocked me and I don't see any reason why they would then my only thought is they're deleting my q&a..Can't have that now...This is the only account that's actually lasted since 2008 ..Lol Thank you.. :)
  3. S

    Do you people realize that others are laughing at your stupidity?

    A whole image board of people are laughing at how stupid some of you are. How does that make you feel? 1.Top Contibutor is like a Gold medal at the Special Olympics 2.They could just have some common sense. 1.(B) Ohshi-
  4. B

    Did dr claw ever realize that inspector gadget neice was the one foiling his plans?

    I saw an episode just now where he identified gadget neice and told his henchmen and capture her and how does cheif quimby always knows dr claws plan
  5. T

    Realize Band Surgery The New Frontier For Safe And Rapid Weight Loss

    It is difficult nowadays to find a person who hasn't heard of the Lap band procedure, especially considering how there's Lap Band billboards on every highway and radio jingles on every station. However there is a league of bariatric surgery patients who swear by the lesser known Realize Band...
  6. E

    When did you first realize that you were gay/lesbian/bisexual?

    I know that some gay people have been gay all their life but when did you REALIZE that you were .
  7. A

    GIRLS HELP: would i tell her not to believe rumour (or) let her realize?

    our relationship was going very fine, then one day while we was chatting, she suddently called me," cheater".. i asked why did you call like that? she again told the same,"have you touched a girl before?".... i told her to justify with proof, but she won't.... i believe one of my ex who never...
  8. P

    Do you realize the introduction of technology?

    I'm talking about technology starting from the invention of the car from 1910, not trains and gas-lamps, and discovery of electricity or telegraphs before that. ________ Do you realize the Annunaki (ETs) introducted oil-based technology so they can entice us to pay the CEOs, with the goal...
  9. J

    How to deal with the confusion after you realize that you had a premonition?

    I feel absolutely devastated. Last night I was playing on Google Maps. I was actually on street view around Tokyo and the area. Then after my husband got home from work I went out shopping for groceries. On the way home I felt this bereft feeling, really depressed and a death feeling. I had...
  10. B

    Do Union Thugs realize that no matter how much they whine and stomp, there

    is still no money to pay them? Should we start a program to introduce liberals to the miracle of math?
  11. K

    Does Sarah Palin finally realize that her running for president would be like her...

    ...using a bicycle to get....? on the freeway?
  12. H

    Theists who don't believe in evolution: do you realize that when arguing against...

    ...evolution, the focus should..? My question is: when arguing against evolution, the focus should be on your religion, not on evolution. Why? Because evolution DOES NOT say that God is not part of the process. Evolution only describes how natural diversity arises, but it does not exclude the...
  13. R

    Do you as yet realize the growing trend by the Ruling Class in the US to continue?

    their surreptitious plan to create but two classes of people here in the US., there being the Rich and the Poor? Much of the Middle Class are represented by unions. And yes the unions make money, but they also do their best to represent those who need it most. We have Christie who has chosen...
  14. R

    Do you as yet realize the growing trend by the Ruling Class in the US to continue?

    their surreptitious plan to create but two classes of people here in the US., there being the Rich and the Poor? Much of the Middle Class are represented by unions. And yes the unions make money, but they also do their best to represent those who need it most. We have Christie who has chosen...
  15. R

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Is he that naive?
  16. B

    Does the Phelps family realize they are not doing the image of religion any favors?

    The only reason they act the way they act is because it gets attention. They're getting millions of dollars of PRIME free national and international advertising because the media falls for their tricks, hook line and sinker.
  17. G

    how can i get my WIFE to realize sex is not shameful??

    Last night was V-Day, and well you know it's expected that a couple have sex.....we've been married ALMOST 2 years, and we rarely have sex, definitely not enough in my opinion.....i bought this KY intense stuff for last night, and she seemed to LOVE the sex, (she usually complains she doesnt...
  18. M

    Christians, do you not realize that this is your true savior?

    He guided me he'll guide you to the righteous path also...
  19. M

    Christians, do you realize Jared Lee Loughne loves you? He'll bless you with his holy bullet in the back of your skull all praise him! He simply corrected her from her ways by blessing her mind with a bullet...
  20. W

    I've come to realize the ultimate downfall of following Jesus Christ. What about you?

    If i lie to someone's face it makes me feel like an asshole. If i kill someone, i will never forget it ever. If i steal something it makes me feel like i'm lesser. If i rape, it makes me feel like.. wait this would never happen. But if i did, it makes me feel like i should die. If i torture, it...