
  1. H

    Pl0x explain these failed prophecies?

    No hate, I'm just questioning the Bible more and more lately... Fireball, DON'T GET MAD :) 1.Isaiah 17:1 "An oracle concerning Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins." 2.Isaiah 19:4-5 "I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and...
  2. H

    Pl0x explain these failed prophecies?

    No hate, I'm just questioning the Bible more and more lately... Fireball, DON'T GET MAD :) 1.Isaiah 17:1 "An oracle concerning Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins." 2.Isaiah 19:4-5 "I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and...
  3. D

    Which bible prophecies cannot fit into one or more of these categories?

    Posted a few minutes ago: " there are literally hundreds of phrophecys in the bible that have been fufilled and that are comming true still today... And there has never been a phrophecy in the the bible that has turned out not to be true" There are several mundane ways in which a prediction of...
  4. D

    Why do some Christians claim there aren't any bible prophecies that turned...

    ...out not to be true? Posted a few minutes ago: " there are literally hundreds of phrophecys in the bible that have been fufilled and that are comming true still today... And there has never been a phrophecy in the the bible that has turned out not to be true" Even assuming that the bible is...
  5. S

    Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 The Weird Sisters & Their Prophecies?

    i have an english exam tomorrow and we need to use Macbeth. the question will involve a 'key scene' and i have no idea how to tackle the question, for my key scene i have assumed that the most important scene would be Act 1 Scene 3 where the Witches give macbeth and banquo their predictions...
  6. A

    Fellow Mormons: Is Miss Cleo generally more accurate with her prophecies

    than our Joseph Smith? I need to discuss this more with my local bishop!
  7. M

    how could jesus be the messiah when the prophecies were not filled read on?

    1) Matthew 1:23 says that Jesus (the messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible. 2) The Messiah must be a physical descendant of David (Romans 1:3 & Acts 2:30). Yet, how could Jesus meet this...
  8. D

    if the maya prophecies are false then where it comes from the idea of

    the end of the world in december 21 2012? please I am serious, don't tell they are just lie, I want to know the root of this date and stuff like that
  9. P

    Your opinions on 'Christians' who believe the prophecies of 2012?

    The reason why I'm asking this is because even though it states in the Bible that mankind will not be able to predict the date nor the hour of the end of humanity, some Fundamentalists still fell for this crap and say that the rapture will be on 12/21/12. I'm just wondering why this is so. @Vin...
  10. C

    Are people fascinated with prophecies?

    And love to hear about the fate of the country, the fate of the world, the fate of the universe, the fate of their lives, as though they've already assumed that destiny is written in stone and somehow we are able to know it?
  11. A

    What are some of the prophecies from Prophet Muhammad(saw) that have come true?

    List as many as you can. Thanks.
  12. A

    How accurate and informative have the prophecies of Nostradamus been?

    How accurate and informative have the prophecies of Nostradamus been?
  13. S

    Why are there only 256,492 fulfilled prophecies in the Bible?

    If Bubble was writ by an Infinite God, it would have infinitely many fulfilled prophecies. But the number of fulfilled prophecies is finite. Therefore God is not the author of Bubble. Hah I have dismantled Chrestusianism with elementary set theory.
  14. J

    How do Christians respond to these failed Bible prophecies?

    "Awake, awake, O Zion, clothe yourself with strength. Put on your garments of splendor, O Jerusalem, the holy city. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again." (Isaiah 52:1) Why it failed: There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem today. "therefore I am against you and...
  15. C

    What do you think about Jesus' false prophecies?

    In mark, Jesus said : I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Please read the full content below: 24 "But in those days, following that distress, " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars...
  16. M

    How do the prophecies in Isaiah say Egypt will fall?

    Says something about languages and a drought forgot the rest...
  17. 1

    I've received 3 prophecies that indicate I will be a millionaire within the next...

    ...4-6 years? a) The first prophecy was in the bible b) The second prophecy came from the angel of God 3 years ago c) The third prophecy came from a dream I had last week d) The fourth prophecy came from a dream I had 3 years ago e) The fifth prophecy came from a psychic man I used to talk to at...
  18. M

    If the messiah came in modern time how would he fufill the prophecies?

    People would think he was crazy. Israel would be very crowded too.
  19. A

    christians, do you believe that The Bible "prophecies" and the signs of

    apocalypse are all coming true? and that The end of times is near? Throughout the entire history of Christianity, however, many have held similar views. All those generations of Christians were wrong in thinking they were living in the last days. So should credence be given to identical claims...
  20. D

    do you believe in the prophecies of 2012 by maya culture?

    is that true maya culture never said something about 2012? is something wrong is gonna happen in 2012?