
  1. S

    how does macbeth misinterperate the witches prophecies?

    neeed help! thanks in advance!
  2. S

    how does macbeth misinterperate the witches prophecies?

    neeed help! thanks in advance!
  3. N

    What are some historical or infamous prophecies and predictions for the future?

    It does not matter what year it is from, I just want to read them. Thank you for anwering my question "). Please do not answer, if you will not answer my "question", thank you.
  4. S

    Does anyone have any Biblical prophecies in which says that lots of Birds are...

    ...suppose to die? It just that lot of people are saying that all the recent bird deaths are a sign of the end times but none of them actually give any Bible verses to support it. So please if you know of some post them here.
  5. C

    What are the prophecies the bible has predicted?

    I know the self fulfilled one about Israel but what are some of the others?
  6. V

    I thought the fulfilled prophecies were part of the strength of the...

    ...Christian religion? But every time I come across a fulfilled prophecy in the New Testament, and I read the corresponding scripture in the Old Testament, the context is clearly irrelevant to the New Testament application of it. Am I supposed to not cross reference these things? Do I need to...
  7. T

    can you give me three old testament prophecies concerning Christ's life on earth?

    can you give me three old testament prophecies concerning Christ's life on earth?
  8. C

    Christians, do you know about the hidden prophecies in Psalms ?

    Psalm 39-45 is a perfect example of world war #2, and the holocaust, ending in hitlers death in 1945. Psalm 109 is self explanatory, Psalm 110 is where God says to Jesus.." Sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool." Psalm 111 an the very 1st Vs which I believe could be the...
  9. F

    Where can I buy Nostradamus' book, The Prophecies or his 9 'centuries'? ?

    I am doing a project on quatrains for my poetry class in college. Nostradamus arranged his quatrains into units called 'centuries' and have been published ever since the 1500's. The poems by Nostradamus contain interesting examples of quatrains that I would like to use for my project, but I am...
  10. P

    in "arthur becomes king" what type of effect do Merlin's prophecies have?

  11. L

    Christians: Hinduism has prophecies, miracles and a long history too,

    why don't you believe in Vishnu? Do you think it's because you weren't raised by Hindu parents? I'm open to discussion if you mind sticking around.
  12. E

    Christians, isn't it ironic that all of the end times "prophecies" could only be

    Christians, isn't it ironic that all of the end times "prophecies" could only be explained after the fact? Or at least with a knowledge of current events, not future ones? I know that not all Christians believe in the rapture so I'm addressing the ones who do. @Tom Jones Actually, with the...
  13. S

    Did Jesus Ever Discuss Any of the Prophecies About Him in the Old Testament?

    Christians keep finding Jesus all over the Old Testament. But Jesus ever claim that any one of those "prophecies" were about him? Can you please provide the chapter and verse? Thanks.
  14. P

    Which OT prophecies actually matched Jesus as the Messiah?

    Without fudging or having to write pages of explanations, which Old Testament prophecies (that is, CLEAR prophecies of a coming messiah) actually match Jesus? Again, I'm talking about clear, one-for-one matches that any lay person can see.
  15. M

    Do prophecies have to rhyme?

    I know it's probably a stupid question but I am writing a book and I wanted to know if prophecies have to rhyme. So here are my other question about prophecies.... 2) If I did a prophecy, do you think I would be copying Rick Riordan to much (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) 3) To me prophecies...
  16. N

    according to the science the prophecies about the changes in the world in

    2012 are wrong? the changes of the poles and stuff like that are wrong or they are probably but at that time?
  17. A

    How many that are at YA right now believe in the Prophecies of Revelation or...

    ...Apocalypse? I am watching the History Channel and they are having a special or marathon on these prophecies. I am wondering how many of you believe that God exist and that he will bring rewards to those who do good and a curse or malediction on those who do not. If you can include in your...
  18. D

    Are The Jehovahs Witnesses religion a Cult? False Prophecies?

    I mean the leaders of this society, organization have made false prophecies of the end of the world more than 100 years ago and they are still a credible religion? Do they even do any good for the community or for just themselves?
  19. M

    Atheists, how do you explain fulfilled prophecies in the bible?

    the messianic prophecies mentioned in the old testament were all ascribed to Jesus thousands of years later. Also, what about the empty tomb?
  20. M

    Atheists, how do you explain fulfilled prophecies in the bible?

    the messianic prophecies mentioned in the old testament were all ascribed to Jesus thousands of years later. Also, what about the empty tomb?