What are some of the prophecies from Prophet Muhammad(saw) that have come true?



There is a hadith I was reading earlier, that mentions one of the prophecies of prophet mohammad(peace be upon him) that happens today,

Narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger(peace be upon him) said, "Two are the types of the denizens of Hell whom I did not see: people having flogs like the tails of the ox with them and they would be beating people, and the women who would be dressed but appear to be naked, who would be inclined (to evil) and make their husbands incline towards it. Their heads would be like the humps of the bukht (very huge) camel inclined to one side. They will not enter Paradise and they would not smell its odour whereas its odour would be smelt from such and such distance.”
Many prophesies of blessed prophet of Islam have come true.

1) Return of Jews to holy land
2) Competition of making taller buildings among the sons of sheperd.
3) Muslims will say salam only to the known people.
4) Masjids would be made thoroughfare (people enter from one door
and going out from other without praying)
5) The desert of Arabia will become green

All of these prophesies have been fulfilled. Another prophesy for which
people are waiting breathlessly is arrival of Imam Medhdi and return of
Christ son of Mary. Which is expected shortly.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal
1 ‘Umar reports in a narration recorded in Sahih al-Muslim:

‘Before the Battle of Badr started, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, walked around the battlefield and pointed to some locations, saying, Abu Jahl will be killed here, ‘Utba here, Shayba here, Walid here, and so on. By God, we found, after the battle, the dead bodies of all those men in the exact places that God’s Messenger had pointed out.

2. Bukhari and Abu Dawud quote Habbab ibn Arat, who said:

Once, during the days of trouble and torture in Makka, I went to God’s Messenger, who was sitting in the shade of the Ka‘ba. I was still a slave in the hands of the Makkans then. They inflicted on me severe tortures. Unable to endure those tortures any more, I requested God’s Messenger to pray to God for help and salvation. But he turned towards me and said:

By God, previous communities had to endure more pitiless tortures. Some of them were made to lie in ditches and cut in two with saws but this did not make them forsake their faith. They were skinned alive but they never became weak against the enemy. Surely God will perfect this religion, but you display undue haste. A day will come when a woman will travel alone by herself from San’a to Hadramawt fearing nothing but wild beasts. However, you show impatience.

Habbab concluded:

By God, what God’s Messenger predicted that day, have all come true. I have personally witnessed it all.

3. Bukhari, Muslim and Ahmad ibn Hanbal record:

During the construction of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madina, God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, told ‘Ammar:

What a pity O ‘Ammar, a rebellious group will kill you.

‘Ammar was killed in the Battle of Siffin by the supporters of Mu‘awiya, who rebelled against Caliph ‘Ali.

4. Before his death, the Messenger called his daughter Fatima to his bedside and informed her that she would be the first among his family to join him after his death. Fatima joined her father, the pride of mankind, six months later

5. The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, predicted the Mongol invasion, saying:

The Hour will not come before you fight against a people with red faces, small, slant eyes and flat noses. They wear hairy leather boots.

5. The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, predicted the Mongol invasion, saying:

The Hour will not come before you fight against a people with red faces, small, slant eyes and flat noses. They wear hairy leather boots.

5. The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, predicted the Mongol invasion, saying:

The Hour will not come before you fight against a people with red faces, small, slant eyes and flat noses. They wear hairy leather boots.

@ say hello - [the current prophecy that is coming true is that the kaffirs will feast upon the muslim lands for riches]

Muslim lands?? And how did these lands become Muslim lands in the first instance? BY WAR. BY KILLING. BY LOOTING. BY TAKING OTHER'S PROPERTIES. In short, through war or by robbing/stealing.

Prior to 550AD there were no Muslim lands.

All land that is Muslim land today has been snatched from the non Muslim.