
  1. G

    Ever have a weird premonition.?

    Was it a prediction anyone else had predictions that came true ? My husband and I were in NYC several months before the 9 11 terrorist attacks. As we were crossing the Brooklyn Bridge my husband pointed at the 2 towers and said: "Those are the twin towers would you like to go to the top and see...
  2. T

    Does his premonition mean anything?

    My boyfriend says he had a clear premonition yesterday, that i forgot to take my BC pill and became pregnant...he saids he saw it clearly like it was really happening...I know its funny, but the same thing happened with my daughters father, we were sitting on the bed one day and he said ,omg i...
  3. T

    I have a bad premonition that iam going to be involved in an accident on the...

    ...weekend what should i do? Its not a dream neither a vision. Iam just keep seeing myself getting hit by a car or getting beaten up, or someone knifes me or shoots me. It only happens when iam awake. I have this really bad feeling something very wrong is going to happen in a small trip to a...
  4. M

    Premonition? PLEASE HELP?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  5. M

    Was this a premonition? Please help?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  6. J

    Was this a premonition?

    I'm a 15 year old teenager and about 2 months ago I was In my room on my laptop. It was about mid- July nothing was out of the ordinary. All of a sudden , I blanked out my mind was telling me my best friend was going to like me in September. It was a strong positive dominant feeling that I was...
  7. P

    Is this feeling called a premonition?

    I'm a 15 year old teenager and about 2 months ago I was In my room on my laptop. It was about mid- July nothing was out of the ordinary. All of a sudden , I blanked out my mind was telling me my best friend was going to like me in September. It was a strong positive dominant feeling that I was...
  8. P

    Is this feeling called a premonition?

    I'm a 15 year old teenager and about 2 months ago I was In my room on my laptop. It was about mid- July nothing was out of the ordinary. All of a sudden , I blanked out my mind was telling me my best friend was going to like me in September. It was a strong positive dominant feeling that I was...
  9. J

    Was this a premonition?

    I'm a 15 year old teenager and about 2 months ago I was In my room on my laptop. It was about mid- July nothing was out of the ordinary. All of a sudden , I blanked out my mind was telling me my best friend was going to like me in September. It was a strong positive dominant feeling that I was...
  10. M

    Was this a premonition? Please help?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  11. M

    Premonition? PLEASE HELP?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  12. M

    Premonition? Very weird!?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  13. M

    Dream or premonition? Very weird?

    I'll try to make this short.. I met a guy online that I blew off and didn't think much of it.. A couple of days later my mother called persistently to tell me about a dream that she had in which she saw me holding hands with a guy and there was this glow around me.. She said that it was like I...
  14. I

    Did these people have a premonition that they would get caught by the coppers and...

    ...hauled off to jail? Because they darn sure came dressed for the occasion lol. Fools lol.
  15. K

    I had a premonition while trying to sleep last night help? PLEASE.?

    So, I don't really remember falling asleep. But I kept seeing flashes of different places like parties & a hotel, raves, stuff like that & my eyes would focus on a name, a name of someone I know. Someone that I used to be close with, someone that I fell in love with. But we haven't talked for...
  16. D

    I had a realistic dream about my house on fire. Could it be a premonition?

    I had a dream that my house was on fire. Usually when I have dreams, things are very disjointed and out of place. For instance, if I am dreaming about something happening in my house I know that it is my house but it looks very different then it usually does. Well, not this time. This time...
  17. B

    Why am I having premonition?

    I'm writing a novel and while writing it I would have premonition as in I dreamt of certain things while writing it but in the dream it would be fuzzy. Any reasons why am I having them while writing this novel? Thanks
  18. D

    Have you ever ignored a premonition and later regretted it?

    Baw I'm his evil twin.
  19. N

    I think I had a Premonition?

    So 2 nights ago I couldn't not fall asleep. I kept thinking about dying. and all I could think about was death and I was so scared and had so much anxiety I just couldn't fall asleep. I was up past 1 just thinking about this. I had a fear for no apparent reason, that I just couldn't explain. And...
  20. T

    Do you believe in Fate? Ever had a premonition?

    Definition of a premonition: 1. an intuition of a future, usually unwelcome, occurrence; foreboding 2. an early warning of a future event; forewarning Definition of fate a. The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events. b. The inevitable events predestined by this force...