
  1. B


    In 2010, I had a dream of myself...standing beside a car (not my SUV) and the back passenger door was open. On the opposite side of the car, also at the back passenger side door...the door was open and an unknown man was standing there at the open door and his face was blurry and not the focus...
  2. S

    Premonition Dreams or just me?

    Okay, so about a month ago I was dating this guy. One night I had a dream we broke up, and then a month later we actually broke up. So it was like a premonition. We broke up about a week and a half ago. A few days after our breakup I had another dream that we got back together. Is this another...
  3. S

    Dream or Premonition....?

    How can I tell the difference between a dream or a premonition? About a month before my boyfriend and I broke up I dreamt we were going to breakup. It obviously happened. Then a few days after we broke up I had a dream we got backtogether and ever since that dream he's been in ALL my dreams...
  4. T

    Explain the ending to the xbox360 game DEADLY PREMONITION?

    So I thought York was crazy?! Like mental home kinda crazy?! I'm sooo lost!! What's with the two personalities?! &the trees planted in the bodies to grow the red trees?! &the purple foggy gas it puts off?! &the monsters?! York was really zach the whole time?! Uhhhhhhh *spark* *spark*...
  5. T

    In the game DEADLY PREMONITION could someone explain the end?

    So I thought York was crazy?! Like mental home kinda crazy?! I'm sooo lost!! What's with the two personalities?! &the trees planted in the bodies to grow the red trees?! &the purple foggy gas it puts off?! &the monsters?! York was really zach the whole time?! Uhhhhhhh *spark* *spark*.. Give me...
  6. F

    Question about my ex boyfriend and his friend's premonition?

    Ok anyways.... My ex boyfriend text ed me about 2-3 days ago telling me his friend had a premonition about me. I believe this was a female friend that told him this. He's 25 yrs old and I am 21 yrs old. The premonition was that I was going to have his kid. He didn't say when it was going to...
  7. C

    Premonition of a loved one dying?

    Last night, something happened to me that I've never experienced before. I felt a very terrifying feeling that something was going to happened to a loved one but I didn't know who it was. A minute or so after I felt as if something DID happen and all I could think about was my grandma. I...
  8. S

    Was it a coincidence? Premonition?

    I was just thinking about my fear of death. I have lost people, and and I feel like the sadness and fear and attachment makes me weak. but I told myself, even the strongest people are scared such as my two friends (a couple) who are very attached and happy would also feel the same if one past...
  9. D

    I just had a premonition of a car crash?

    I was driving with my mom (she was the driver) about an hour ago. She was proceeding to make a left at a stop light. This time I told her I had a bad feeling at this light and I feel like we're going to get into a crash if we turn here. She said, " oh be quiet, it's just a weird feeling and...
  10. S

    Dream? Premonition? Nightmare? What is your IMMEDIATE response to this poem?

    A dream swollen face, eyes red drunk again I jerked his face with my hand said horrible things shaming him evil and hatred dripped from his eyes it was over his fight our battles my dream
  11. J

    I don't know what's happening, perhaps a premonition?

    Today, my aunt when into hospital to have a 2nd hip revision, something went wrong and due to surgeons she lost a lot of blood, they had cut through a main artery and her heart had stopped beating, they gave her transfusions and managed to get her heart beating again, but they placed her into...
  12. M

    Do You Believe in Having a Premonition in A Dream?

    just wanted opinions on this concept, about is it possible to have a premonition in your dreams of the future. Typically i've never been much of a believer that dreams can tell the future. just always felt that dreams reflect how you are feeling about things happening in your life. anyway. I had...
  13. B

    I had a premonition about somebody that I don't even know?

    I went out to, well, I suppose you could call it a bar. Despite this fact, no, I was not drunk. But when I was there, I saw somebody that I have never seen in my life before, yet for some strange reason I had a feeling that something very bad was going to happen to him. I felt like he was going...
  14. S

    Premonition? Or Just weird? Help!?

    Well I dreamt I had a baby sister And my mother dreamt she was pregnant.. What could this mean? Just weird or is it something else? Anyone ever had a thing like this happen? Thanks in advance Best answer = 10 points
  15. M

    Is there a meaning to smelling fresh flowers as a premonition to death?

    Last Saturday I woke up at 2 a.m. I got up to use the restroom. When I walked into the hall I was over come with the scent of fresh flowers. There was nothing to cause this scent. There were no flowers, candles or air freshener. I wasn't wearing perfume. When walked back out it was gone. Like it...
  16. S

    What if you had a vision, a surefire premonition of the last 40 years of your life?

    guaranteed to happen, but you don't like it one bit, it isn't how you wanted your last 40 years to be at all. Would you try to change things somehow? if not, What would you do?? think "Oedipus"
  17. A

    Anybody have any input on my premonition dream?

    So last night I had this crazy dream about being in a fancy type building and It was a very tall building and I went on an elevator with a couple strangers I didn't know,one middle aged woman so I thought was around 50 and another person I don't quite remember the description of and a little...
  18. L

    Please comment on a dream....Is it a premonition?

    had a dream the other night about my mother who is deceased and the woman I love who I lost. The two of them were speding time together in a school. The dream was for two days.....The first day I was hugging the woman I love so tightly with my mom looking on. They were both wearing white. The...
  19. F

    Is it a coincidence or can humans have premonition?

    It's not like I can predict things. It's like when I think about someone, something will happen to them but I don't know what. And it will often happen the next day or the most, within a week. And it's often bad things. Some examples, a week before MJ died, I had a sudden interest to look at...
  20. D

    deadly premonition life is beautiful piano score?

    If anyone has access to the piano score of life is beautiful from deadly premonition that would be splendid; isn't that right Zach? That is to say of course, if there is an existing one. If not, I suppose someone could make one; if that person really wanted to. That would be just splendid.