
  1. D

    Any similar movies like premonition?

    Im looking for any similar movies to that one..or just any movies that are great! Like :deja vu :taken etc....any horror movie ..not too much mature content..or watever
  2. M

    Is this premonition and how can I relax?

    I have had premonitions before and have 'known' things before they happened. In 2001 for that whole summer I kept telling my then boyfriend (now husband) that I felt like something bad would happen and lots of people would die. 9/11 happened. I always felt that my Father would die around age...
  3. L

    Premonition Of The Fearful?

    I am your source of strength That lies dormant deep within Hidden because you fear constricts And your fear is poisonous; venomous, Each time anxiety Takes a hold of your mind You wish you didn't live your life But cowards die a thousand times So as I take it no more I kick open pandoras doors...
  4. M

    Y would a random person have premonition dreams? And suffer from lucid dreaming?

    Sometimes I dream about things b4 they happen rarely important things more often then not non important things. I also have suffered my whole life from nightmares and lately they have gone lucid n theres always some1 "bad" there I can only make go away by praying. I sound seriously crazy I know...
  5. D

    premonition dream (shorter)?

    2 days ago i had a the most vivid dream of my life, i found a hidden camera in the wall at my dads house, and i had an argument with my dad, then i was in a different house and some black guy was there selling weed, i wanted to buy one of him but only had a 5 pound note, then i checked again...
  6. L

    What are your thoughts on prophetic writings? Divination? Premonition?

    Do you know the differences between the three mediums I have mentioned? Anything else you would like to add? Now's your chance...
  7. B

    What is a good book about premonition?

    Something that is not really old
  8. J

    I think i had a Premonition?

    I had a dream i was on a Plane flying to america, everything was normal you know people stumbling around getting stuff out of there bags, Then i hear a massive bang i look beneath me i see a airplane crash ii then hear someone say oh wow that's the airport. Then i see fire and the vision turns...
  9. A

    Premonition? Similar dreams! 10 points for best answer.?

    I had this dream about me and the person I fancy in school walking together with his arm around me. All my mates were there and one of my mates had her boyfriend with his arm around her. It was quite a short dream but seemed significant. I told the mate with the boyfriend about this and she...
  10. C

    Premonition or weird vision?

    Just before I went to sleep the other night I heard a noise can't really describe it but in my mind there was a white light and then a flash of a image of a man with light or blonde hair. It went away so quickly and it wasn't a dream. I have never had this before and it conincided with the...
  11. E

    ?She's into superstition, black cats and voodoo dolls, I feel a premonition, that...

    ...girl's gonna make me fall...? She's into new sensations, new kicks in the candle light, she's got a new addiction for every day and night... ? I like this song... did you guess? :P
  12. B

    What is the little dude on the cover of deadly premonition for xbox 360?

    And why the heck do the zombies attack you backwards!?
  13. G

    Is This Premonition, Or Just A Bad Dream?

    Last Night My Girlfriend Went Out Drinking And I Was Really Worried About Her, More Than Usual.... Last Night I Had A Dream That Something Bad Was Going To Happen To Her, But I Did Not No What.... And I Woke Up This Morning With A Really Bad Feeling That Something Has Happened To Her, So I...
  14. B

    Who is Francis York Morgan from Deadly Premonition modeled after?

    Any help would be much appreciated. :)
  15. M

    can someone interpreted this premonition?

    well it wasn't a dream, i was getting ready for bed when all of the sudden i saw a Black vehicle do not know what model or anything i can only see the back and i was in the back of the car and it was a feeling of sadness around, it was just park and i was looking it was and i can smell and feel...
  16. S

    How do i stop premonition?

    My moms cat had kittens their about 8 weeks old. i stayed at my mothers house for a weekend visit and became good friend with one of the kittends named socks. I had a feeling something was wrong so i took him to the vet to get him checked out and they told me that everything is fine he's...
  17. M

    Bad premonition about ALP (Australian Labor Party)?

    Before you even think about answering this question, please do NOT use this as space for election advertisements. All similar answer will be reported. ************************************************************************************************************ I came with my family to Australia...
  18. T

    My Boyfriend Had a premonition about me killing myself. What should we do?

    My boyfriend and I have been in a serious relationship for quite some time now. He's in the Military and will be leaving in august or september for training. He will be gone for about 2 years. We planned on me going with him but he decided that wasn't the right decision because he would never be...
  19. S

    Deadly premonition 2?

    has anyone heard anything about this? Deadly Premonition is possibly one of the best games Ive ever played, does anyone know if theres a sequel in the works?
  20. W

    I have this weird, premonition of some sort....?

    ok so i was watching the hunchback of notre dame just a couple hours ago, and mid way through the movie, i dont know why, i saw my self in disney world, i was near the haunted mansion, and i was sort of argueing with my mom i guess, and i rolled my eyes, and i looked over to my left, and i see...