
  1. G

    Vending Machines For Pot Products Exist Now

    Let's be real here, what could come from a URL like www.thedispensingsolution.com BUT a vending machine for pot? Medbox, the company that produces the $50,000 units, is ramping up and attempting to place them in dispensaries around the country. Consumers can't walk up to a Medbox and feed it...
  2. J

    POT SMOKERS & EX POT SMOKERS.... can I go from using weed every day to just...

    ...smoking on the weekends? Right, I smoke weed everyday, I decided to give up weed on Sunday, haven't had a joint since Sunday.. its nows Wednesday... I am contemplating just having a smoke on the weekends (once or twice a day) but can I actually do that and be use to it? I was reading on the...
  3. J

    when I was half-awake and cooking, my hand dipped into the pot of hot

    oil and got burned what do i do? Several hours later, I noticed I have a blister on one of my fingers, just above the nail. Should I pop it? Leave it alone? Go to a doctor?
  4. J

    What are the harms of smoking pot vs the harms of smoking cigarettes?

    I'm going to move to Washington and was wondering if it was more beneficial to continue to smoke cigarettes or to switch to smoking pot? I know, between the two the best is to quit smoking so don't even say that. if pot is harmless than why are cigarettes legal and pot illegal? surely pot is...
  5. A

    Smoking Pot Could Lead To Smoking Cigarettes, Says New Study

    A new study found that smoking pot could actually lead to nicotine addiction. No need to put your medical marijuana away yet, Californians, but this information could shed additional light on how addiction works within our boides. More » Smoking Pot Could Lead To Smoking Cigarettes, Says New...
  6. D

    Pot smokers, are you happier when you don't smoke?

    I've come to realize I don't want to live my life constantly waiting for the next bowl. I'm wanting to hear from people who smoke weed regularly. Do you feel more happy when you smoke weed or when you don't? I think I'm generally happier the less I smoke but for some reason I still want to smoke..
  7. B

    13 year old smoking pot?

    i smoke weed and im 13 i smoke every weekend i have alot of friends i can get weed from is it bad will it harm my body? i have alot of depression problems and it helps.
  8. N

    Does anyone have a good pot roast recipe?

    I want to make it in the slow cooker, I've been looking online for a while now and I haven't found a good recipe yet
  9. N

    Does anyone have a good pot roast recipe?

    I want to make it in the slow cooker, I've been looking online for a while now and I haven't found a good recipe yet
  10. A

    What is a pot?????? (Not the pot that you cook with)?

    In this question someone said to me that that my dad was smoking a pot. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AraDxLmYKS6ZDnITJIVO9c_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130209113443AAoQRvD Someone said my dad was smoking a pot! What is pot?
  11. A

    Afternoon Links: 77 Healthy Crock Pot Recipes

    • Neither New York, San Francisco nor Los Angeles made*The Advocate’s*”Gayest Cities in America” list (The Frisky) • Keep, donate, fix or toss? How to decide (Divine Caroline) • How much do*celebrity endorsements*influence our purchasing decisions? (Organic Authority) • Too … More » Afternoon...
  12. A

    Justin Bieber Vaguely Apologizes For Smoking Pot On Day Paparazzo Was Killed

    So far, there hasn't been any outright admittance from anyone's camp, but the pictures do paint quite the picture. But there are multiple photos in question, several wherein Bieber looks astoundingly like Ricky Martin in the 80s... but that's beside the point. More » Justin Bieber Vaguely...
  13. P

    Who started the rumor pot has never killed anyone?

    People die from allergic reactions to pot on a yearly basis, i personally know someone who has. People have died from crashing a car while under the influence. There's a steady number of deaths yearly from this, but people say pot has never killed?
  14. R

    I have been hearing rumors that the guy I like does pot :(?

    I have liked him for a long time and I think he likes me too and we barely talk and I have been to,d he does drugs and I would have never expected it and I am totally against drugs and I'm really upset. :(
  15. T


    On my h1 WEEK Anniversary as a Homless vagabond I find out that my biggest problem is that Im not fd up enough for assistance. Please Purchase my book PUFFIN TUFF @ www.ThornePeters.comBOOKS | CURRENT EVENTS | CULTURE | EDUCATION | POT More...
  16. T


    Tis the nite before I will be a homeless vagabond living on the streets of Hollywood. If you give a damn, please listen to find out how you can help. For openers, please purchase your LIMITED EDITION copy of my book PUFFIN TUFF that I wrote while in jail. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO THE LINK BELOW...
  17. G

    Why Fiona Apple, Armie Hammer and Other Stars Are Gettin' Busted for Pot in Same Texa

    Why are so many stars getting busted for pot in a tiny town in Texas? What are Fiona Apple and Armie Hammer doing out there in the desert to begin with? —B.T. Cruel, via...
  18. T


    Happy National Jurors Awarenesss Day! So after 50 years of campaigning for POT to be legal, why arent Jurors refusing to convict growers, dealers and TOKERS? Wheres the JURY NULLIFICATION? Theyre spitting out guilty verdicts with POT on their breath that are handing down decades of time to...
  19. A

    Meghan McCain Thinks Pot Should Be Legal (Because Of The Economy, Obviously)

    Meghan McCain thinks pot should be legal, according to her new book, America, You Sexy Bitch, in which she and her coauthor, comedian Michael Ian Black, take a road trip across America.*But don't worry, it's not because she likes to smoke it...much. For her, it's all about the economy. More...
  20. A

    Teens Smoke More Pot Than Cigarettes…Which Means It’s Time To Teach Teens About Pot

    According to new numbers from the CDC, for the first time, teens smoke more pot than cigarettes. Which, to be honest, is actually kind of great because almost every study on the subject has found marijuana to be less harmful, and because marijuana use tends to be much less frequent and...