POT SMOKERS & EX POT SMOKERS.... can I go from using weed every day to just...


May 16, 2008
...smoking on the weekends? Right, I smoke weed everyday, I decided to give up weed on Sunday, haven't had a joint since Sunday.. its nows Wednesday... I am contemplating just having a smoke on the weekends (once or twice a day) but can I actually do that and be use to it? I was reading on the internet of some guy trying to do it and he said its like the "re-adjustment period" each week, because he still had cravings during the weekdays to smoke weed.. The thought of completely stopping is not cool, but is it possible to go from smoking weed every day to just on the weekends easily? thanks any help would be good
I started smoking weed when i was about 14. Before that, i was smoking about 10 cigarettes a day. When i went on to smoking weed, i'd have a good few a day and maybe a couple of cigarettes in between. When i didn't have any smoke, i used to get aggravated and would snap at people. I was about 17 or 18 when i decided to stop smoking weed altogether. At first, i didn't feel "normal" but as the days went on i realised how much better i was without it. The only thing is, these days i now smoke about 20 cigarettes a day. I'm able to sit with people who are smoking and i can take a couple of puffs if i feel like it but i don't get addicted to it. I don't get the cravings like i used to. If you can't go cold turkey like i did, try cutting down first. I don't know how many joints you smoke a day but try make a couple last you all day by having a few puffs, putting it out then going back to it later if you know what i mean. It was great when i gave it up, i didn't realise how much i was missing out on as when i was smoking i just used to sit in the room, listening to music and going back and forward to the fridge. It felt good to have a clear head and begin socialising with people again. I lived with my parents at the time i smoked and i never saw them because i was never out of my room! Try this link below, it gives you good tips and info on cutting down or quitting. Giving up on it altogether might not be as easy for you as it was for me but give it a bash, what are you losing? Good Luck
The easiest thing I found to do is to keep myself busy. I've kept myself busy so long that I've forgotten what it's like to be stoned out of my head all the time. I'm not sure I could have gone from smoking everyday to just the weekends. I think the Monday would have come round and I would have just rolled up again. I guess it's possible. Another thing that might help. Make sure you don't have any stashed away during the week. That way it's not too tempting. Good luck