Who started the rumor pot has never killed anyone?


May 14, 2008
People die from allergic reactions to pot on a yearly basis, i personally know someone who has. People have died from crashing a car while under the influence. There's a steady number of deaths yearly from this, but people say pot has never killed?
Because we are talking about lethal dose here.

Does texting messages kill? Well yes because they provoke accidents
Does talking to people kill? Yes because they distract you, hence killing you in road accidents...
Does gluten kill? Yes people are allergic to it lets outlaw it.

Plus it is very rare to be allergic to weed in comparison to gluten.

Drugs like alcohol and heroin have lethal doses, hence they can kill you by OVER dose
People say that because it's more rare than deaths from alcohol or other real drugs. In my opinion if alcohol can be legal pot should too