
  1. T

    Friends Help Us To Negate Negativity

    'Stand by me' is a common refrain when it comes to friendship but new research from Concordia University proves that the concept goes beyond pop music: keeping friends close has real physiological and psychological benefits. The presence of a best friend directly affects children going through...
  2. J

    Is my sex life screwed since I'm circumcised? So much negativity, lol?

    (Sorry for the repost of this question, I had posted it originally in the wrong country and meant to post it elsewhere) Ok, well lately there has been a ton of info about circumcision being extremely detrimental to a man's sex life and pleasure. It's kind of messing up my mind. Are there any...
  3. J

    What is the deal with all the hatred and negativity being expressed on

    the Internet these days? Why is it that there are a lot of people out there who just want to bring others down? Are these people just wanting to make others as miserable as they are, themselves? Your thoughts?
  4. M

    Eating Healthy and Exercising, Why do I get negativity from people saying I am

    anorexic? Wow I have deciding to eat healthier and exercise about 5,6 days out of the week and I feel fantastic. I have lost a little weight but mostly toning my body is the real change I have seen and I am super excited. When I try to share my excitment with people family / friends they give me...
  5. D

    Why are preachers, White & Black preaching & teaching negativity instead of the

    Why are preachers, White & Black preaching & teaching negativity instead of the GOOD that is God and religion? When I used to go to church the preacher(s) whose church I've attended would preach and teach about God, Jesus, the prphets, Love and the Commandments. I've attended mosques and the...
  6. Z

    what negativity do you know of Abraham Lincoln?

    Many say he's the greatest president of all and i'm not denying that but nobody's perfect. I read that he was often whats ways was he like that? what decisions did he make that made him seem that way?