Eating Healthy and Exercising, Why do I get negativity from people saying I am


New member
Feb 11, 2009
anorexic? Wow I have deciding to eat healthier and exercise about 5,6 days out of the week and I feel fantastic. I have lost a little weight but mostly toning my body is the real change I have seen and I am super excited. When I try to share my excitment with people family / friends they give me a look and say are you eating you look anerxic .. please if you saw me people I am 117 pounds always have been My metabolism is genetically awesome and I have had 3 kids so my body is not perfect but it is way better than most. I mean shoot a man while he is down why dont you.
I have worked really hard to restrain myself from eating junk and dammit I am proud why is it they are not cheering me on giving support, why is it they just give negative comments.
I was talking to my sister in law saying I need new jeans and she said wait a minute I am concerned for you, don't make a drastic buy because once you start eating you will gain natural weight again...
PLEASE STOP with the negative comments.

does any one else go through the same thing.
Why is it when we decide to do what we should be doing we get burned for it and when we aren't doing what we are suppose to be doing no one cares. grrrr..

I just want to say I am so proud of myself and others who have decided to live healthier lives for their selves and their families.