Why are preachers, White & Black preaching & teaching negativity instead of the


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Why are preachers, White & Black preaching & teaching negativity instead of the

GOOD that is God and religion? When I used to go to church the preacher(s) whose church I've attended would preach and teach about God, Jesus, the prphets, Love and the Commandments.
I've attended mosques and the teachings was basically the same.
I've never gone to a synagogue to worship but from what I've learned about RELIGIOUS Jews, there is a similarity in their teachings as well.
This Sunday morning 2/15/09 I just happened to be channel surfing and just happened to hear this White “Christian” PREACHER calmly and DELIBERATELY spew venom toward and misinformation about the religion of Islam and Muslims.
In his ignorance of God, the Bible and religion, most notably Christianity and Islam I listened as he incorrectly taught mislead his majority White congregation and programming them with HIS thinly disguised hate talk about what HE calls "radical Islam" and “Islamic terrorists”.
Of course that is my understanding and opinion but I truly believe that ANY individual that could witness his speaking fairly objectively would reach the same conclusion.
The preacher’s name is David Jeremiah.
He is one of the kind of PREACHERS that I have no doubt cause many to not want to believe in God and still many others that do have some kind of belief to want NOT to believe in God AT ALL!
Just as there is no such thing as "radical Christianity" there is no such thing as "radical Islam".
There ARE however, radical individuals that believe and practice THEIR interpretation of Christianity and Islam and identify themselves as Christians and Muslims.
NEITHER do what they do to spread a belief, acceptance and conversion to their respective religion.
They have their OWN agenda that have nothing to do with the Bible or the Qur’an.
Upon WITNESSING David Jeremiah preach and teach hatred of Islam and Muslims from his pulpit it should help many to understand why “radical Muslims” AND “radical Christians” want to bring about the destruction of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Israel, America and ANY other country or state that have belief in God and religion..
I pray that God, WHOEVER He is have MERCY on us ALL.
Um, there is something positive about religion?
News to me.
Can you point out ONE single positive about religion. This I HAVE to see!