Is my sex life screwed since I'm circumcised? So much negativity, lol?


New member
Nov 26, 2008
(Sorry for the repost of this question, I had posted it originally in the wrong country and meant to post it elsewhere)

Ok, well lately there has been a ton of info about circumcision being extremely detrimental to a man's sex life and pleasure. It's kind of messing up my mind. Are there any men out there that are older, like late 20s and up that haven't had any problems with pleasure/erections that are circumcised? Do you have an active sex life, being able to have sex at least a couple of times a week and enjoy it?

All this negative info about it has kind of messed with my sex drive and I was wondering what other men have experienced in terms of pleasure, or do you think it's mostly in one's mind?

I'm not advocating circumcision, I'm actually against doing it to babies without their consent, but I still would like to think it can't be all that bad. Men and women with experience feel free to reply, thanks so much
Its in your head, I have a very active sex life and I am circumcised.
no problems with it. but really ..... "I'm actually against doing it to babies without their consent".... You let me know when there is a baby who pops out of a vag and screams don't circumcise me!!!
I'm also against circumcising baby boys, so good for you for being open-minded about that and realising its unethical and unnecessary!
I'm uncircumcised but I'll be honest with you dude, there have been so few scientific studies, most are subjective rather than scientific, and they usually end up with different conclusions. The way I see it, is that both intact and circumcised men can have great sex lives, but I'd like to think that an intact penis the way God made it is the best way to go!
Basically being uncircumsized is supposed to feel better for a guy but it doesn't mess up a sex life. There are actually a few reasons to be circumsized for good reason. (cleaner, easier for conception when you want babies, and it looks better.) lol