
  1. L

    Do indoor cats loose muscle tissue or , get depressed from lying around all day?

    How does an animal cope with just lying around all day and not being able to walk or smell nature.?
  2. M

    muscle milk v. optimum nutrition 100 percent whey?

    which is better for gaining muscle mass
  3. T

    GNC muscle supplement?

    Okay so I'm 17 and am starting to lift weights. I've noticed other kids in my weight lifting class are taking supplements to build muscle. I am wondering what I should take, like from gnc or something... I ve never takin anything before and I don't know what I should really take. Any ideas...
  4. T

    Higher Testosterone Levels Help To Protect Muscle Mass In Men As They Age

    A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that higher levels of testosterone were associated with reduced loss of lean muscle mass in older men, especially in those who were losing weight. In these men, higher...
  5. T

    Repairing Damaged Heart Muscle With Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood

    New research has found that stem cells derived from human cord blood could be an effective alternative in repairing heart attacks. At least 20 million people survive every year, according to World Health Organisation estimates, but many have poor life expectancy and require continual costly...
  6. A

    on muscle cars what is that engine called that's usually on top of the cars...

    ...hood? picture below...
  7. S

    GNC Amplifed Mass Gainer XXX a good product to Gain Muscle?

    I am 17 Years old and I already have 17 inch arms but I'm looking to put more more on them. Is GNC Amplifier Mass Gainer XXX is a good product, It contains Creatine, If i stop will my arms get smaller due to the Water Level ? What are you suggestions...
  8. D

    My gf sprayed a muscle shirt with perfume and put it in the hamster cage for...

    ...bedding! ? Would someone pleeeaaase explain the dangers of this? I used this as an example : if u spray your pillow with perfume would u want to slp on it? As in would that not bother your nose? Please someone tell me im right!
  9. B

    Losing body fat while building muscle (HELP PLEASE ANY EXPERTS OR GUYS WHO...

    ...KNOW ABOUT FITNESS)? Hey guys, let me start with my profile as of now: Age 18 Height 5'11 (180cm) Weight 80kg (approx 170lb) Body fat percentage 17%-22% (different machines told me different things) Build: Stronger lower body and core than upper body (swam in highschool) For the first...
  10. M

    On Tuesday my butt muscle (lol) started swelling up...?

    ...after I went for a run. I thought it was a pulled muscle but I went to my dr this afternoon and he seemed a bit concerned, basically said he didn't think it was a pulled muscle... because of the size it could be a hematoma or or some kind of infection that might need cleaning out. He is...
  11. A

    My son needs to build some muscle?

    My son is 12 and is turning 13 and he needs to build some muscle for basketball. He has high metabolism and eats well but does not usually gain weight. Any advice for building weight, muscle, or height?
  12. A

    My son needs to build some muscle?

    My son is 12 and is turning 13 and he needs to build some muscle for basketball. He has high metabolism and eats well but does not usually gain weight. Any advice for building weight, muscle, or height?
  13. T

    How can i get more muscle?

    ok so im 14 year old. i noticed that when i wear skinny jeans compared to other guys that my skinny jeans are a little looser. i wanna get more muscle or even a little fat. i am skinny and im 5FT. my arms are also skinny and i want to wear bracelets. i also wanna get a little more bilt. any help...
  14. T

    Leucine Helps Mountaineers Burn Fat And Spare Muscle Tissue

    Research on Mt. Everest climbers is adding to the evidence that an amino acid called leucine - found in foods, dietary supplements, energy bars and other products - may help people burn fat during periods of food restriction, such as climbing at high altitude, while keeping their muscle tissue...
  15. A

    What to do after reaching fitness (muscle physique) goals?

    I've been lifting/running for a few years now and have reached my body-type goals. My question that I've reached my finish line physique, how do I maintain my muscles without bulking up anymore? I'm not sure how to properly cut down my workouts and such.
  16. T

    Stave Off Diabetes Insulin Resistance With Muscle Mass Training

    It seems that hitting the gym and resistance training may not only keep you fit and looking smart, but also will lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. People who are overweight are more likely to have insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin. Type 2...
  17. T

    NFL Football Players Who Suffered Muscle Injuries Had Lower Levels Of Vitamin D

    Vitamin D deficiency has been known to cause an assortment of health problems, a recent study presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's (AOSSM) Annual Meeting in San Diego, suggests that lack of the vitamin might also increase the chance of muscle injuries in athletes...
  18. T

    Discovery Makes White Fat Mimic Energy-Burning Brown Fat, Muscle; Has Potential To Cu

    Scientists at the National Institutes of Health have uncovered a pathway in mice that allows white fat - a contributor to obesity and type 2 diabetes - to burn calories in a way that's normally found in brown fat and muscle. The findings are in the July 6 edition of Cell Metabolism. White fat is...
  19. T

    Study Of Strength Training For Seniors Finds Increased Muscle Strength, Reduced Muscu

    People lose 30% of their muscle strength between the ages of 50 and 70 years. However, maintaining muscle strength in old age is enormously important in order to maintain mobility and to be able to lead an independent life and manage everyday tasks independently. In the current issue of...
  20. A

    did i lose muscle mass?
