
  1. M

    How do i balance my nutrition and gain muscle at 15 years old?

    I weigh right around 130lbs and i need to know about how i can get 6 meals of protein each day and How many grams of protein i should have in each meal and how many calories i should have in each meal..... Also plz explain how someone like me can even get 6 meals of protein every day.. it sounds...
  2. D

    Whats a good supplement to build muscle that i can get a GNC or Vitamin World?

    With no creatine or any of that crap
  3. D

    what are the best muscle building supplements currently sold over the counter?

    I'm 28 years old but would like to know of any new supplements (prohormones, pills) sold in fitness stores. I have already done anabolic steroids in the past, but currently don't have access to that, so what is the next closest thing sold in stores that works well. Obviously nothing will cause...
  4. C

    Muscle, Telekinesis, Alien Abduction and time Travel.?

    I do not believe in UFO's after being multiply abducted, implanted with a heavier set of bones and harvested for my muscle and waking up with a new dental record... going from clear fillings to ugly silver shit with cavities i never worked for without proof that my teeth weren't this bad or this...
  5. C

    good nutrition and work out plan for strong lean muscle.?

    im a 16 year old girl 5 feet 3 3/4 inches, 106 lbs. im a base for cheer leading and most of my flyers weigh more than i do. i want to be able to lift them more easily but i don't want to look buff or anything, just lift like i am :D nutrition and work out plan? plzzzz?
  6. C

    good nutrition and work out plan for strong lean muscle.?

    im a 16 year old girl 5 feet 3 3/4 inches, 106 lbs. im a base for cheer leading and most of my flyers weigh more than i do. i want to be able to lift them more easily but i don't want to look buff or anything, just lift like i am :D nutrition and work out plan? plzzzz?
  7. Z

    is it possible to loose muscle?

    im 15 years old, i lift weights but i havent in about 2 weeks, ive done close to 150+ push ups and 100+ sit ups a night and run about 5+ miles a day lol im just worried about it cause ive lost about 14 pounds in 2 weeks lol i still eat just a lil less and i dont look like i have lost weight, o...
  8. P

    Maintaining fitness and muscle strength & tone whilst on holiday?

    Ok so i work out about five times a week and have built up my stamina over time. Im going away on holiday for two weeks, I am concerned that whilst i am away i will loose strength and tone that ive worked hard to get and maintain. Is there anything i can do whilst im away to help? I live in the...
  9. T

    Building muscle right nutrition?

    i currently weight around 155 and want to get to 180 solid muscle with abs. i have about 5-10 pounds of body fat i am currently doing weight training 5 -6 days a week with about 3 days cardio i have been told to eat 5 portioned meals a day (obviously healthly food) but will this only add some...
  10. S

    How should a muscle building, getting lean nutrition plan go?

    I'm 16, 5'8, and 146 lbs. I'm a little doughy and am going to start building muscle....But I really don't know how to start..I have fish capsules that I don't use, yet cause I don't know when to use it (like before breakfast or before bed??) But so far I'm starting on this. Meal 1: Egg...
  11. T

    GNC muscle building supplements?

    right now i am taking 100% weigh protein, i am looking to add a supplement to build more muscle and increase my weights. anyone have suggestions?
  12. S

    Would this fit? (Muscle car question)?

    Theres a 1967 Ventura Ive been eyeing up but Im not too into the front bumper. Could I put the would a 1966 GTO/Lemans front grill/ bumper fit on it? I like that better. If that wont fit I'll try to find a Catalina with the similar bumper but I like the GTO bumper better
  13. S

    Would this fit? (Muscle car question)?

    Theres a 1967 Ventura Ive been eyeing up but Im not too into the front bumper. Could I put the would a 1966 GTO/Lemans front grill/ bumper fit on it? I like that better. If that wont fit I'll try to find a Catalina with the similar bumper but I like the GTO bumper better
  14. O

    I need a one way rental of an American muscle car (Mustang/Camaro) from NY

    to Las Vegas, in September!!? Is this possible? none on the main rental car companies can assist/
  15. E

    what is the strongest muscle building supplement sold at the gnc?

    what is closest supplement to steroids sold at gnc or vitamin shoppe?
  16. E

    what is the strongest muscle building supplement sold at the gnc?

    what is closest supplement to steroids sold at gnc or vitamin shoppe?
  17. B

    Best diet/fitness routine to lose weight and build muscle.?

    I'm a 17 year old male, I'm around 80 kg's and I'm really set on buidling muscle but I have a little bit of tummy fat which I'd like to get rid of so I can get ab's. I'm looking for the right diet to gain muscle and lose weight and a routine which will help me succeed Thank you in advance.
  18. B

    How to use muscle mass by gnc?

    Hey everyone. so i have worked out for like a month now. I am 5'8 i weigh 158.5.. And i just bought muscle mass pro by gnc now. I am need help how to use it, do i use it after my worked out or before. Also i am in high-school do the gym open 3 times a week. But i workout home aswell. So how do i...
  19. K

    I want to lose weight not gain muscle?

    Hi am a 19 year old girl and am 17 stone i no its bad but am trying to do something about it lol so what exercise should i do at the gym so that i lose weight not gain muscle.I find in easy to gain muscle then losing weight and at 17 stone i really need to lose the weight.So what should i do...
  20. H

    Is a Greg Plitt physique too much muscle for a 19 year old 5'7 guy?

    I want to get in shape before summer comes around and I thinking of getting of a similar build as greg plitt would that be too much muscle?