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    Iphone esn still linked to verizon account?

    I just bought 2 iphones for verizon used. I checked the esn's online and they came up bad. I text the guy and got the text on one of the phones. I assume the esn must be good if I got his text on it? Does he just need to call Verizon and have the phones deactivated? BTW he restored the phones...
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    Breast Cancer Tumor Disparity And Socioeconomic Disadvantage Linked

    Racial and ethnic disparities in breast tumor aggressiveness might be explained by social factors that influence the developing tumor and place those in disadvantaged groups at higher risk for aggressive breast cancer, according to data presented at the Fifth AACR Conference on The Science of...
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    Discovery Of Gene Linked To Age-Related Hearing Loss

    University of South Florida researchers have identified a genetic biomarker for age-related hearing loss, a major breakthrough in understanding and preventing a condition of aging that affects 30 million Americans and greatly diminishes their quality of life. In a nine-year study that was a...
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    Brain Injury Linked To Crime In Young People

    A new UK report finds there is a link between brain injury in childhood and crime in young people, and points to evidence that brain trauma can cause maturing brains to "misfire" and disrupt the development of self-restraint, social judgement and impulse control. It calls for more...
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    High Chocolate Intake And Nobel Prize Winnings Linked

    It seems that countries with the highest regular chocolate intake per person have a proportionally greater number of Nobel Prize, winners, researchers from Kings College London and the Wellcome Trust have revealed in a new book. The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) has an article on this...
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    Gum Disease Bacteria Linked To Pancreatic Cancer Risk

    The British Dental Health Foundation believes new scientific research presented is a further indication of a possible link between pancreatic cancer and gum disease. The latest research, presented in the journal Gut, found one of the bacterium key in the development of gum disease was associated...
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    Chocolate Gorging Linked To Opium Chemical In Brain

    A new brain study suggests an opium-like chemical may drive the urge to gorge on chocolate candy and similar fatty and sweet treats. Researchers discovered this when they gave rats an artificial boost with a drug that went straight to a brain region called the neostriatum: it caused the animals...
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    Mirapex (Pramipexole) For Parkinson's Treatment May Be Linked To Heart Failure Risk

    Mirapex (pramipexole), a medication used to treat patients with Parkinson's disease, may raise the risk of developing heart failure, the FDA warned today in a public communiqué. Mirapex is also prescribed for people with restless leg syndrome. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) said that...
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    Spirituality Is Linked To Better Mental Health

    According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri, spirituality often improves health regardless of a person's health. The study is published in the Journal of Religion and Health. The team highlight that healthcare providers could tailor treatments and rehabilitation...
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    Hormone Levels Linked To Risk For Metabolic Disease

    Working with a national team of researchers, a scientist from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute has shown for the first time a link between low levels of a specific hormone and increased risk of metabolic disease in humans. The study, published online ahead of print in The...
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    Poor Mental Health Linked To Premature Death

    A large study of English households finds that people who experience symptoms of psychological distress like anxiety, depression, or even minor mental health problems, have a lower life expectancy than people who do not. Since the link remained when they adjusted for lifestyle factors, the...
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    Drug Use And Antisocial Behavior Strongly Linked With Adolescent Pregnancy

    Numerous studies have been conducted on the impacting factors for pregnancy outcomes in young women, yet so far, no study has established which of these factors are the most important and the impact of depression on pregnancy outcomes is particularly unclear... More...
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    Higher Incidence Of Diabetes In Native-Americans Linked To Fat-Hoarding Genes Likely

    Why do Native Americans experience high rates of diabetes? A common theory is that they possess fat-hoarding "thrifty genes" left over from their ancestors - genes that were required for survival during ancient cycles of feast and famine, but that now contribute to the disease in a modern world...
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    Hundreds Of Random Mutations In Leukemia Linked To Aging, Not Cancer

    Hundreds of mutations exist in leukemia cells at the time of diagnosis, but nearly all occur randomly as a part of normal aging and are not related to cancer, new research shows. Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that even in healthy people, stem...
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    Father-Infant Interactions Linked To Child's Behavior

    Children whose fathers are more positively engaged with them at age three months have fewer behavioural problems at age twelve months, according to new research funded by the Wellcome Trust. The study suggests that interventions aimed at improving parent-child interaction in the early post-natal...
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    Anxiety Linked To Accelerated Aging

    New research suggests middle-aged and older women who experience high levels of a common form of anxiety known phobic anxiety, such as being unreasonably fearful of crowds and heights, are more likely to carry a risk factor tied to premature aging: they have shorter telomeres. The effect is...
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    Nut Allergy Linked To Breast Milk

    Researchers from the Australian National University have discovered that children who only receive breast milk during the first six months have a higher risk of developing a nut allergy. The study has been published in the online issue of International Journal of Pediatrics. Researchers from...
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    Sexual Behaviors In Teens Linked To "Sexting"

    According to a study on 948 Texas teens, published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, more than 1 in 4 adolescents have sent a nude picture of themselves through electronic means. The authors found that "sexting" - the practice of electronically sending sexually explicit images...
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    Enlarged Brain Size, Autism, Epilepsy And Cancer Linked To Newly Found Gene Mutations

    According to a study published online in Nature Genetics, researchers have identified three new mutations associated with megalencephaly (enlarged brain size), cancer, autism, hydrocephalus, skin growth disorders, epilepsy, and vascular anomalies. The study, led by Seattle Children's Research...
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    Neuronal Stress And Brain Insulin Resistance Linked To Worsening Alzheimer's Disease

    Rhode Island Hospital researcher Suzanne de la Monte, M.D., has found a link between brain insulin resistance (diabetes) and two other key mediators of neuronal injury that help Alzheimer's disease (AD) to propagate. The research found that once AD is established, therapeutic efforts must also...