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    Structure Of Protein LC8 Linked To Cell Division And Medical Applications, ALBA Synch

    A team led by David Reverter, a researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB) of the UAB, has determined for the first time the three-dimensional structure of a protein pair: LC8 and Nek9. Depending on whether or not they bind, Nek9 ensures that the chromosomes group and...
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    Sleep Apnea In Kids Linked To Behavioral Problems

    Obstructive sleep apnea, a common type of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), has been linked to elevated rates of ADHD-like behavioral issues in kids, in addition to learning and adaptive problems. The findings were published in the journal Sleep and came about after a five-year study which...
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    Sugary Beverage Consumption Linked To 180,000 Deaths Per Year

    New research reveals that drinking sugary soft drinks is responsible for close to 180,000 deaths worldwide every year. The finding comes from research presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2013 Scientific Sessions...
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    Kid's Consumption Of Sugared Beverages Linked To Higher Caloric Intake Of Food

    New Study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine Reports A new study from the Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill reports that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are primarily responsible for higher caloric intakes of children that consume SSBs as compared...
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    Bye Bye Bacon! Processed Meats Linked To Early Death

    It really pains me to share this information with everyone. As much as I realize that it's salty and bad for me and obnoxiously trendy at the moment, I really love bacon. Bacon-wrapped pears are my favorite food in the whole entire universe. It's the ultimate breakfast meat, because there is...
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    High Sugar Consumption Linked To Diabetes

    For a while the association between sugar consumption and diabetes was thought to solely relate to weight gain, but new research conducted at UC San Francisco indicates that sugar intake may also be directly linked to diabetes. The findings were published in the journal PLOS ONE. The...
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    Some Diabetes Drugs Linked To Pancreatitis Risk

    Diabetes patients who take the newest class of diabetes drugs have double the risk of being hospitalized with acute pancreatitis, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, reported in JAMA Internal Medicine. The authors explained that the new forms of...
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    Childhood Asthma Linked To BPA Exposure

    Children who are exposed to the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, are at an increased risk for asthma, according to a new study published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. A group of researchers at the Columbia Center for Children's Environment Health at the Mailman School of Public...
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    Spring headlines: More players linked to Biogenesis, Bryce Harper bulks up the old-fa

    Just when you found yourself thinking, "Phew, it's been a couple days since we had a PED story" comes the latest from Biogenesis. That's the Miami-area clinic run by Anthony Bosch, alleged to have supplied performance-enhancing drugs to players such as Alex Rodriguez and Melky Cabrera, among...
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    Healthy Sleep, Healthy Diet: Sleep Pattern Linked To Variety Of Food Intake

    People who eat a large variety of foods, considered an indicator of a healthy diet, are also the ones with the healthiest sleep patterns, according to a new study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn), in the US. The researchers write about their findings...
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    Phthalates Linked To Obesity In Black Children, Proving Health Isn’t Just Genetic

    Those damn phthalates are at it again. Not only are they linked to early menopause*and diabetes, but a new study has shown a new link to obesity in children, namely African-American children. More » Phthalates Linked To Obesity In Black Children, Proving Health Isn’t Just Genetic is a post from...
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    What did Lincoln say about equality triangle linked with maths and

    slavery in the film? I watched Lincoln the movie last night and in the movie he said something about equality in a triangle or something in maths and linked it with Black and White humans being equal, but what exactly did Lincoln say about the maths triangle thing?
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    Zoroastrianism, judaism and christianity are linked?

    because the Zoroastrianism started the idea of the messiah and judaism took that idea is it true that? and christians took the idea of the evil god in zoroastrianism as the idea of Satan and good god is God?
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    High Fructose Corn Syrup Might Be Linked To Diabetes, But New Study Doesn’t Show That

    Don't let anybody make you believe that high-fructose corn syrup is harmless just because it's "not more fattening than sugar. Animal studies have shown can be bad for memory and learning, and human studies have linked high consumption of HFCS with cognitive decline and dementia in older adults...
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    Increased Prescription Drug Advertising Efforts Linked To Improved Consumer Welfare

    More people are better off thanks to the impact of an influx of direct-to-consumer advertising spending than they would be without those marketing efforts, according to a study recently published by Jayani Jayawardhana, an assistant professor in the University of Georgia College of Public...
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    What percentage of illnesses and death is linked to our dietary habits?

    Isn't it strange how little we think about our diets, when it's the main reason for our health deterioration?
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    Heat Shock Protein Hsp104 Could Be Developed To Eliminate Toxic Clumps Linked With Ne

    Several fatal brain disorders, including Parkinson's disease, are connected by the misfolding of specific proteins into disordered clumps and stable, insoluble fibrils called amyloid. Amyloid fibrils are hard to break up due to their stable, ordered structure. For example, a-synuclein forms...
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    Immune System Gene May Be Linked To Alzheimer's

    An international research team including scientists from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine has discovered a link between a mutation in an immune system gene and Alzheimer's disease. Using data from 25,000 people, researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and University College...
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    Unkindness Linked To Alcohol, Drug Abuse In Black Populations

    Blacks who feel mistreated and discriminated against are more likely to abuse alcohol and illegal drugs, and a new study from Purdue University shows this usage can become a problematic pattern. "It's no surprise that people who believe they receive frequent unfair treatment from strangers feel...
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    Novel Forms Of Activity, Like Swimming, Linked To Development Of Motor Behaviors

    Scientists from the University of Leicester have hit upon unique forms of spinal nerve activity that shape output of nerve cell networks controlling motor behaviours. The breakthrough in the Department of Biology at the University of Leicester was announced in the journal Current Biology. The...