
  1. J

    Completely ignorant Comic-Con newbie, please HELP!?

    Alright so February 14th is when badges go on sale, I'm already signed up and ready to buy as soon as they become available though my cousin might not have money at the time so I'm prepared to be paying for 2 adult tickets, all 4 days with preview night. She's dressing regular, I'm preparing a...
  2. J

    Completely ignorant Comic-Con newbie, please HELP!?

    Alright so February 14th is when badges go on sale, I'm already signed up and ready to buy as soon as they become available though my cousin might not have money at the time so I'm prepared to be paying for 2 adult tickets, all 4 days with preview night. She's dressing regular, I'm preparing a...
  3. K

    This is not a question this is what is on my mind about these ignorant rude kids...

    ...always laughing and saying? Something about our Lord the one who made us it makes me sick im 19 years old and havent been sin free but I love God and I know what is right and wrong what is evil and good I want to pray for everyone if you believe do not believe do not know what to do sick...
  4. H

    Are people who respond to trolls with serious objections ignorant or just venting?

    Trolls are usually obvious, but they always get a dozen or more people who respond with outraged indignation, and (even more funny to me) some answer as if to point out and mend the trolls socially ignorant views. I feel most people ignore these attention-seekers, understanding them to be such...
  5. S

    Want to see how ignorant some christians can really be?

    Just read the comments at this link. Be warned though, they're cringe-worthy. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=335202573191003&set=a.214235345287727.56811.100001037897716&type=1&theater
  6. A

    Why are people still ignorant enough to believe in religion?

    I absolutely despise religion because people try to convert me all the time, including my family. Here's why it's a load of bullshit. If heaven was real, I wouldn't want to go anyway. It's scientifically proven that utopias do not exist because one person's utopia is another person's hell. In...
  7. S

    How do you argue with ignorant people?

    Just say that that is your opinion, and this is mine, and it is obvious that you want to win, and I dont want to argue, so end of subject. I bet they will not know what to say.
  8. L

    Describe how you feel when a large group of ignorant people laugh at you

    because you are wrong....? when you are in fact right.
  9. B

    Can you explain how this is ignorant?

    Gilgamesh completely ignored them. The counselors shook their wise old heads. There is no telling young people anything they dont want to hear. Please do it in 3 or more sentences. Best answer gets ten points!
  10. N

    Does Verizon Wireless think its customers are ignorant?

    I have been having trouble with my droid eris ever since the 2.1 update. The problems (phone shutting off by itself, ending calls by itself, not being able to hear the other person in a call, touch screen super slow and at times unresponsive, and just overall slowness of the phone) have become...
  11. N

    does SCI think i'm ignorant?

    how stupid do you have to be to line up a gasket? you are just rude and need to get your head out of your a**. i also dont believe you have ase certification because if you did you would be more keen to help people rather than accuse them of childish mistakes.
  12. G

    Most Americans are deeply ignorant about religion.

    Except Atheists and Jews. They know stuff. Watch Penn Jillette take a quiz on religion: I love this quote: "I gave my daughter a bible. That's how you make atheists." Read the comments on this post... More...
  13. H

    LOL Who thinks this is ignorant?

    Ok so I was extremely bored this morning, so I was searching for a few pages to become fans of on Facebook... and I came across these pages that were talking about Canada's big win during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. You guys remember how Canada won the most golds? Well, these Facebook pages...
  14. O

    What will happen if I will meet a stupid, ignorant guy at a nightclub,...

    ...and I will force him to have an? intelligent conversation with me? About science, religion, philosophy, and technology.
  15. C

    Will the woefully ignorant accuse Ireland of being "antisemitic" for expelling...

    Will the woefully ignorant accuse Ireland of being "antisemitic" for expelling... ...Israelis over forged passports? ...due to Israelis international crime they committed (one of many). DUBLIN – Ireland announced Tuesday it's expelling an Israeli diplomat in punishment for the alleged Mossad...
  16. L

    Why do people come to this board, post something ignorant or hateful rants against

    the military…..? Why do people come to this board, post something ignorant or hateful against the military, and then get mad when they are attacked or people disagree with them? Like this question...
  17. A

    Among Compromised Scholars and Ignorant Worshippers.. an interesting statement ?

    From the words of Ahmad bin ‘Aasim Al-Andaakee, who was one of the biggest scholars at the time of Sulaymaan Ad-Daaraanee, was: “Indeed, I have reached from all the times, a time when Islaam has returned to being strange as it began. In it, the description of truth has returned to being strange...
  18. C

    Is joking, teasing, and insulting others ignorant & subjective?

    When i listen to people i dont know whether to comprhend it as a nihil or absurd. I end up feeling pain and hurt when they try to denounce my existence...so im not complete stupid. But sometimes i just cant handle it when i am alone all my life and have nothing else to think about. Can someone help?
  19. C

    Why do many people insult others and joke around when it is purely ignorant and

    subjective? Ive been teaching myself to speak straight talk to people. Even if others would find that person to be of a lesser person than they are. When people talk...i understand completely, but most of the times i cant tell whether the meaning or feeling the person is trying to convey is...
  20. O

    ... why did that guy delete his Q about americans being ignorant about soccer :(?

    now my Q is standing alone! DM can you put a hex on him please which Q do you like better: Why soccer/football is ignorant about Americans or Why football is Ruining Money?