
  1. T

    Sen. GOP Candidate Fiorina's Antiabortion Views Too Extreme For Calif., Sen. Boxer Sa

    During a campaign stop in Sacramento on Wednesday, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer (Calif.) said Republican challenger Carly Fiorina's views on abortion rights and other issues are too extreme for California residents, the AP/San Jose Mercury News reports. Boxer -- who is seeking her fourth Senate...
  2. T

    First GOP Sens. Announce Opposition To Kagan Confirmation

    Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) announced last week that they will vote against Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's confirmation, Bloomberg/Boston Globe reports (Litvan, Bloomberg/Boston Globe, 7/3). The Senate Judiciary Committee concluded its...
  3. T

    Videos Feature Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings, Interview With GOP Sen. Candidate

    The following summarizes selected women's health related videos. Kagan Discusses Abortion Rights: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) became the first lawmaker to raise the issue of abortion rights during Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing this week...
  4. A

    How can President Obama complain about the GOP, who have been so helpful to him?

    Isn't it just rank ingratitude for Obama to criticize the Republicans in the Senate, who have done their best to help pass economic stimulus legislation, reform the banking industry, and cure unemployment? Or could I have a few details wrong ....
  5. A

    If the GOP wins back Congress, do you think they're regulate offshore

    oil drilling more effectively? It's pretty clear that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) under the Obama administration really failed to regulate BP effectively, with disastrous results in the Gulf. If the Republicans win back control of Congress in 2010 and maybe win back the Presidency in...
  6. T

    GOP Sens. Question Kagan About Role In Abortion Policy During Clinton Administration

    On her final day of questioning from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan discussed her work related to a proposed ban on an abortion procedure when she served as a domestic policy adviser in the Clinton administration, the New York Times reports. After...
  7. J

    how come the word conflict of interest does not applies to the G-O-P....?

    Judges,halliburton and most of all this.... Kronickl..~i did not say that,if we had a real G-O-P party putting in the checks but do you really call this thing now THE G-O-P? French Fry Hunter~BUDDIES!!! YOU...
  8. J

    how come the word conflict of interest does not applies to the G-O-P....?

    Judges,halliburton and most of all this.... Kronickl..~i did not say that,if we had a real G-O-P party putting in the checks but do you really call this thing now THE G-O-P? French Fry Hunter~BUDDIES!!! YOU...
  9. O

    Is GOP Rep. Joe Barton of Texas just another conservative lackey who places

    "big oil's" interests over "we the? people" ?
  10. B

    Second-longest debate in Senate history and the GOP is still whining

    that health care reform?
  11. T

    Female GOP Candidates Break Conservative 'Glass Ceiling,' Los Angeles Times Columnist

    In contrast to this year's primary elections, the so-called "Year of the Woman" in 1992 "was a one-sided wave" in that most of the women who were newly elected to the Senate were "liberal, pro-choice Democrats," columnist Doyle McManus writes in the Los Angeles Times. "In those days...
  12. G

    So it has come to this: "Hitler" is an adjective in the GOP

    I was talking with a friend from another country yesterday and she indicated that whenever she caught herself up on American politics, she would become frightened. She was underestimating. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  13. T

    Democrat Endorses GOP Plan On Hospital Price Disclosure

    The Hill: Rep. Gene Green, D-Texas, is endorsing two Republican plans to require hospitals disclose their prices while other Democrats are pushing a much broader bill in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Green "hopes to bring other Democrats with him, arguing a scaled-down approach...
  14. B

    What will Liberals complain about when 32 African Americans win for the GOP in...

    ...the 112th Congress? Where will they hide the race card?
  15. T

    Today's Opinions: Keeping GOP Focused On Opposing Health Law; The Costs Of The Uninsu

    The Government Needs To Regain The Public's Trust Politico The health care reform legislation was amended outside of normal channels. What President Barack Obama signed did not have the fingerprints of the American people or their representatives (Rep. Mary Bono Mack, 4/28). Why Insuring Young...
  16. M

    Has the angry rants, lies, and deceit of the Tea Party and GOP run its course?

    Democrat Ted Deutch won the Special Election with 62%, with Republican Edward Lynch received 35%.,_2010 In the immediate wake of soon-to-be Rep. Ted Deutch's (D) victory in a special election in Florida's...
  17. C

    Why is it the GOP "Party of Lincoln" that seems to show so much affection...

    Why is it the GOP "Party of Lincoln" that seems to show so much affection... ...for commemorating the Confederacy? Kind of strange how Gov McDonnel of VA brings back Confederate History month after an 8 year absence (8 years of Democratic reign). God's Army, do we have a month celebrating the...
  18. T

    GOP's Cantor Reports Someone Fired On His Office, Says Dems Are 'Fanning The Flames'

    New York Times: "The Congressional clash over threats and vandalism against lawmakers in the aftermath of the health care vote took a new turn Thursday as the No. 2 House Republican accused Democrats of recklessly exploiting the incidents for political gain. Representative Eric Cantor of...
  19. T

    Former GOP Leader Armey Predicts Health Bill Will Pass

    A Republican leader is expressing some sentiment that the bill cannot be stopped, The Associated Press reports. "Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, among the bill's sharpest opponents, said he was 'less confident' than before that it could be stopped. 'They'd have to be remarkable...
  20. T

    Former GOP Leader Armey Predicts Health Bill Will Pass

    A Republican leader is expressing some sentiment that the bill cannot be stopped, The Associated Press reports. "Republican Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, among the bill's sharpest opponents, said he was 'less confident' than before that it could be stopped. 'They'd have to be remarkable...