
  1. T

    Who else is going to whine every time the GOP proposes a spending bill?

    I wanna be like the GOP was whenever the Dems did.
  2. T

    Who else is going to whine every time the GOP proposes a spending bill?

    I wanna be like the GOP was whenever the Dems did.
  3. T

    Who else is going to whine every time the GOP proposes a spending bill?

    I wanna be like the GOP was whenever the Dems did.
  4. T

    Planned Parenthood Action Fund Mailers Target Conn. GOP Candidate McMahon

    In the final days before the Nov. 2 elections, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund is targeting Connecticut U.S. Senate candidate and former WWE executive Linda McMahon (R) with a mail campaign depicting scenes from the wrestling organization's events as negative toward women, Roll Call reports...
  5. M

    Is George Bush himself laughing at the GOP for releasing this "Plague to America"?

    Is George Bush himself laughing at the GOP for releasing this "Plague to America"? The only thing more hideous than the tan mans photo this actual "Pledge to America" which basically said.......Bush owned! The American people are not going to fall for this. They mind as well have kept...
  6. N

    GOP anxious to stop the war in Afghanistan...with a Trillion dollars spent in...

    ...Iraq, is it in their interest? You know...the GOP "base", as W put it...Northrup Grumman...Boeing...Raytheon...Haliburton...and a LOT of contractors, who I am sure as hell lobby NOT to stop the war, since Daddy-Bucks US Taxpayer is footing the bill. I wonder how many GOP congressmen/senators...
  7. J

    Why did Obama spokesman Gibbs claim this morning that the GOP has links

    to special interest lobbyists when? the Obama administration is up to their eyeballs with them? Didn't Obama hire lobbyists and work with them daily despite his campaign promises not to? Didn't Obama raise more money than any other candidate in US history? Gee I wonder if any of the companies...
  8. J

    Why does 0bama whine about GOP partisan politics because the GOP doesn't support...

    ...the democrat's partisan bills? The democrats are an easy one single senate RINO vote away from getting anything they want passed through both houses. There are 5 real easy RINO votes to be had, and exemplified by the Kagen vote: Graham, Lugar, Snowe, Collins. Gregg. They always play ball...
  9. J

    Would 0bama still whine about GOP partisanship if just one senate RINO went democrat?

    Arlen Specter went democrat. The democratic stronghold Massachusetts put a Republican into Teddy's old seat. Does it seem the excuses are engineered to explain away why his party isn't backing him? No GOP votes needed in the House. In the Senate, there are 57 senate democrats and also two...
  10. G

    Why does the GOP argue that companies are Groups Of People?

    Can we have a third party president with company money in elections?
  11. T

    Videos Explore Early-Onset Puberty, Antiabortion Views Of GOP Candidates

    The following summarizes selected women's health related videos. Puberty Beginning Earlier in Girls: NBC's "Nightly News" recently examined a study that corroborating previous research showing that girls are showing signs of puberty onset earlier than in the past. The study found that girls as...
  12. T

    Ga. GOP Gubernatorial Race Hinges On Abortion, Other Social Issues

    Abortion rights have become a critical issue in Georgia's GOP gubernatorial primary between former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel -- a "relatively centrist Republican" -- and former U.S. Rep. Nathan Deal, a more conservative candidate, the Wall Street Journal reports. Handel leads by...
  13. T

    'Rachel Maddow' Examines GOP Candidates' 'Extreme' Antiabortion Positions

    MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" recently examined the increasingly "extreme" antiabortion-rights positions of Republican Senate candidates, a topic Maddow calls a "sleeper issue" in this year's campaigns. According to Maddow, Nevada candidate Sharron Angle, Kentucky candidate Rand Paul and...
  14. T

    Andy Griffith Medicare Ad Prompts Showdown With GOP

    Veteran television star Andy Griffith appeared in a new commercial for Medicare that promotes health law changes the administration says should help seniors, such as free wellness visits and lower drug costs, U.S. News & World Report writes. "The commercial, launched on the 45th anniversary of...
  15. M

    The August recess should be a vacation for the GOP since they have no solutions... discuss right?
  16. T

    GOP Sens. Request Assurances From HHS That High-Risk Pools Won't Include Abortion Cov

    In a letter sent on Wednesday, 13 Republican senators asked HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for assurances that the new high-risk insurance pools will not provide coverage for abortion services, CQ HealthBeat reports. The insurance pools set up under the federal health reform law (PL 111-148)...
  17. T

    Snowe Becomes Fourth GOP Sen. To Announce Support For Kagan

    Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine) on Wednesday became the fourth Republican senator to announce her support for Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court, the New York Times' "The Caucus" reports. Snowe said Kagan met the standard she uses for evaluating judicial nominations by displaying "strong...
  18. T

    Radio Interview Reveals GOP Sen. Candidate Angle's Far-Right Antiabortion Views

    In a radio interview from late June that surfaced last week, Sharron Angle -- the Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada -- said that if a 13-year-old girl were raped and impregnated by her father, she would counsel her to look for ways to make "a lemon situation into lemonade" by carrying...
  19. A

    If the GOP is not Neo Confederate then why does Ron Paul hate Lincoln?

    Since he is the most popular member of the GOP. His son opposes elements of the civil rights act and he comes from one of the most Conservative,bigoted and repressive states in America, Texas. Would rather more power in Austin than in Washington. Surly the GOP is a neo Confederate party.
  20. A

    If the GOP is not Neo Confederate then why does Ron Paul hate Lincoln?

    Since he is the most popular member of the GOP. His son opposes elements of the civil rights act and he comes from one of the most Conservative,bigoted and repressive states in America, Texas. Would rather more power in Austin than in Washington. Surly the GOP is a neo Confederate party.