Why is it the GOP "Party of Lincoln" that seems to show so much affection...


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Why is it the GOP "Party of Lincoln" that seems to show so much affection...

...for commemorating the Confederacy? Kind of strange how Gov McDonnel of VA brings back Confederate History month after an 8 year absence (8 years of Democratic reign).
God's Army, do we have a month celebrating the Holocaust?
Perhaps for the same reason, that Democrats and Liberals praise congressional leaders such as Senator Robert Byrd (D), former member of the Klu Klux Klan, and an opponent to the Civil Rights Act, during the 60's....or why Democrats honor Bill Clinton for saying things like, "A few years ago, that man would have been bringing us coffee," when referring to Senator Obama. Then again it could be for the same reasons as when Senator Harry Reid (D) of Nevada, says of Obama, while speaking to the press, " I think Senator Obama will make a good president, being that he's light skinned, and does not speak, with a negro accent."
Things that make you go hmmm.
don't know why, except maybe for the shock value or the hope that idiots like that seem to believe they are the majority, just because at the meetings with the pointed white hoods, everybody cheers for them.

it is absolutely disgusting that the confederate flag is still flown anywhere in this country. it should be outlawed and/or the people flying it enslaved to work on roads or such. everybody knows, including that liar mcdonnel why that war was fought.
I can't be sure. I too found it insane and I tend to side with the GOP. This goes to show you that no one man's mistakes should hold the whole party to the problem... I guess he is commemorating the last time states split off as a few states, most notably Texas, are threatening to do now... just a guess.

Oh... Lefty apparently is a moron considering the Republicans freed the slaves when the democrats just sat on their asses and let it happen.