
  1. D

    What are some technology ideas for the future that could be used criminally?

    Or that will influence laws in the future?
  2. A

    Future Communication Technology?

    I'am looking for someone to explain how Subspace and/or Temporal Communication functions! I want real world explanations (Theory) not Sci-Fi!
  3. A

    Future Communication Technology?

    I'am looking for someone to explain how Subspace and/or Temporal Communication functions! I want real world explanations (Theory) not Sci-Fi mumbo jumbo!
  4. G

    Hugh Jackman in X-Men: Days of Future Past: Director Bryan Singer Teases Pic of Wolve

    Director Bryan Singer*is continuing to document his days on the set of X-Men: Days of Future Past*and, this time, he has thrown Wolverine into the mix.* After providing...
  5. D

    Hospital future technology question?

    Would it be really great if in the future - and tell me how much this will interests you, that they will discover that there is a way to revive even the dead people that what the hospital people have never done or thought of (to do) before (of anything that they can do to keep him/her alive)?
  6. T

    In the future when technology is advanced enough will people be able to extend..?

    their life to billions or even millions of years? in some sense being immortal although I am sure they would die sooner or later as everything does.
  7. S

    Good afternoon .... i want to know future and scope of pg cource in enviromantal

    technology & management study? this cource are run by mhatma gandhi labour institute.... what is the future of this course....monywise post wise etc etc
  8. B

    Songs about Old ways vs. Future technology, and progress?

    I'm looking for a song that has a meaning behind it that has to do with the idea of progress, materialistic things, and technology, vs old ways and thinking. I'm Trying to Synthesis the song with The movie the last Samurai, Thanks!
  9. J

    What future can i have studying: Math, English, Modern History, Geography, Business

    Computer Technologies? I'm not sure what jobs i can go on using these subjects and i need help. also I am good at Math and do the harder math at my school. im particulary good at Business Computer Technologies and Modern History and okay at english. im pretty good at health and Geography as well.
  10. C

    Fantasy book about memories being stolen by a man from the future?

    I can't think of the name of the book (or the author) for the life of me. I barely remember how the story goes, but here's some details I remember: -Children are dropped off at this strange house/building -They are fine until the master of the house has them enter his office -After visiting the...
  11. A

    what is the future scope of nano technology?

    i like to choose this course where is best to study this cource/
  12. A

    what is the future scope of nano technology?

    i like to choose this course where is best to study this cource/
  13. L

    Is the future going to be better for America and the world, or much...

    ...worse? In terms of economy and technology? I read an article describing the future as a very nice place. We have made billboards to produce water, underground gardens, treatments to cure sicknesses, and the poor in America and other places are living nicer than ever. BUT an economist in...
  14. S

    What will the future be like with all this technology!?

    What will the world be like? Will we have robots and stuff?
  15. M

    Is the future of America really as bleak as they say where there will be no jobs, no

    money, or technology? How will we survive the eocnomic collapse? I keep hearing and reading this suggesting we are doomed and our politicans are doing it and so are the lazys. No more technology to innovate us, no more rights to help us, only a huge income gap destroying us and our dreams to...
  16. S

    Technology in the Future!?

    Hi, I was thinking today and everybody says that in the future there will be flying cars and 3D projecting iPads and stuff. But does anyone else agree,I don't want flying cars and stuff i want it to be normal like how it is now, just more improve versions. Let me know what you think!
  17. G

    The Terrifying Future is 3D Printed Weapons

    Motherboard just released a trailer for Click. Print. Gun., its upcoming documentary on 3D printed guns, and you get to see a glimpse of the terrifying future that is having access to guns and gun parts that you can just click and print. The doc follows Cody R. Wilson, a guy who has home printed...
  18. T

    Technique To Predict Hotspots For Future Flu Outbreaks

    This year's unusually long and rocky flu season would be nothing compared to the pandemic that could occur if bird flu became highly contagious among humans, which is why UCLA researchers and their colleagues are creating new ways to predict where an outbreak could emerge... More...
  19. A

    Fighting Irish make it three future ACC teams in the Big East Tournament semifinals

    NEW YORK - An early 17-4 Marquette lead eventually crumbled in the midst of a neon green blur, as Notre Dame caught up, matched and then buried the Golden Eagles, 73-65. The loss means that Buzz Williams and his team won't get a shot at revenge with Louisville, the group that knocked them out...
  20. D

    Gaming Future Technology?

    Is it possible in like 10 years there could be a strap or helmet you wear and you like stay in bed or on the ground and you play the game by some type of thing with your mind and everythings sorta realist you run your speed you have normally unless the game has some,Or in the game there are...