Fantasy book about memories being stolen by a man from the future?


New member
Apr 25, 2013
I can't think of the name of the book (or the author) for the life of me. I barely remember how the story goes, but here's some details I remember:

-Children are dropped off at this strange house/building
-They are fine until the master of the house has them enter his office
-After visiting the master in his office, the children only talk to other children who have met with him and they forgot what happened while they were in the office and they also lose other memories
-The master uses some sort of camera and computer to do this to the children, or something like that
-I think there's a cat that talks to the main character and gives him/her advice (see? I don't even know the gender of the main character)
-The children are afraid of this chest in the house because of stories they believe
-The main character realizes the chest can be used to time-travel/enter a different dimension (I'm not quite sure which, if it's either of those two)

That's really all I can remember. If you know what story I'm talking about, please tell me, and thank you.